chapter nine.

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"I wrote this song about two years ago for a certain someone, uh I hope you all like it."

Pressing the keys on the piano I shot a smiling Lauren a look and took a deep breath.

If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you
I think I might give up everything, just ask me to
Pay attention, I hope that you listen cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only

Closing my eyes, I let the music calm my racing heart and I continued singing.

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only

I heard a slight sniffle and shot my eyes to Lauren who nodded at me with red eyes. I took a deep breath once more and continued with the next verse.

I can feel your heart inside of mine, I feel it, I feel it
I'm going out of my mind, I feel it, I feel it
Know that I'm just wasting time
And I
Hope that you don't run from me

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only
I'll show you my heart
(For when you're lonely)
And forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only
(For your eyes only)

I opened my eyes to see a gaping Charlie Walk, a tearful Lauren, and Shawn with one of the biggest smiles on his face I've ever seen.

I took my hands off the keys and turned around on the bench, facing the three people.

"Y/N, I haven't heard a voice like yours in forever." A slight blush made its way across my cheeks as Charlie continued talking. "I want you on my record label, I have a contract right now that you can sign and become a part of the Republic Records family." A gasp came out of my mouth as Charlie took a stack of paper from the briefcase he had entered with.

I looked over at the one person I had bought along with me and she shot me a wide smile and mouthed the words that made me jump out of my seat and walk over to the table. "Sign it, you got this."

Grabbing the pen I leaned over to sign the papers that would change my life. Signing the last paper a huge smile made home on my face. Stepping back from the table Charlie held out his hand. "Welcome to the family Y/N."

Shaking his hand he grabbed his papers and walked out the room. Once he walked out Shawn walked over and pulled me into his arms. "You did it Y/N." Kissing the top of my head he let me go and pushed me to a sheepish Lauren.

Walking over to her, she locked eyes with me and I shot her a wide grin as I noticed the tears still in her eyes. "Do you remember what you told me when you wrote that song?"

I let out a laugh. "That is I ever got signed I would use that song and you said you would kill me if you weren't present to see it."

Lauren took a step closer and wrapped her arms around my waist, feeling the tears enter my eyes I put my arms around her neck and let my chin rest on the top of her head. "I did it Lauren, I fucking did it."

A small laugh came out of Lauren. "And I was there to see it."

"Hey Lauren?"


I kissed her forehead and kept my arms wrapped around her. "Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?"

"Because even though you broke my heart in an hour, You managed to begin to fix from the second I saw you."

"Y/N that was all you, you're one of the strongest people I know babe."

I just sighed and wrapped my arms tighter around the girl. Whispering the lyrics into the air.

"Right now I'm completely defenseless, for your eyes only."

A/N- I highkey got super emotional writing this because I was listening to If I could fly on repeat. CAN WE TALK ABOUT MADE IN THE A.M AND PURPOSE FOR A SECOND BECAUSE MY EARS WERE BLESSED. ALSO, regularly scheduled updates are coming back except I'm changing the days. The new days will be Thursday and Sunday.


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