An Image Of An Angel, Is An Angel

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Play Dat song, If u cant link, the songs called Learn To Love Again - Lawson

"Whhooooaaahh." Pipped up Squid's voice "This place is so cool..." He shines his torch on the weirdly shaped staircase. Everyone stared in awe at it, Destiny shrugged and said

"Guys........and Image of an angel is an angel, so don't look into anything that's an angel, look anywhere but its eyes...and whatever you do. Dont. Blink." She turns and gives them a cold stare. They all nodded.

"And we have to stick together." Kat added.

Destiny walked, holding Luna's hand. She wanted to get Drake back badly, so she would do anything. Even if it was risking her own life.

"Don't say that DiDi...we need you." Luna said, Destiny looked at the little girl, shocked but then realizing.

"Luna why did you read my mind?!" Destiny asked, a little annoyed.

"Even I can see it, its clearly on your face!" Bunny said, right next to Luna, also holding her hand. They kept walking, suddenly someone stopped cold.

"Luna is right...we need you DiDi." Squid says. Everyone nodded

"Um g-guys........." Lee stuttered, he pointed behind him. Everyone shone there torch, but Destiny knew already

"Guys...don't look into there eyes........what ever you do...look anywhere else......And do not blink, don't let them touch you either. They won't mo-" Hazel said, before the angels to move right infront of them......

"RUN!" Luna squeals, as she ran pulling Destiny and Bunny, and they started running. Everyone starts running. Hazel turned round and caught one looking straight into the angels eyes....she couldn't take her eyes of, it was staring into her soul. Suddenly images started to flare from in the angel's, they were too fast but she could make out a girl of blonde and blue eyes.....

Someone hooked her arm with hers. Lucas

"Come one Hazel, what are you doing?!" He says, before they both ran right................away from the others


"We lost them.." Kat says, breathing heavily, we were hiding in the kitchen, Kat, Destiny, Luna and Lee. were under the kitchen counter, breathing heavily.

Lee gulped "That is the most scariest thing ever, second were the zombies." He shivered, Luna shushed him, and astonishingly Lee quietened down. Destiny chuckled quietly to herself. But Kat was looking around frantically.

"Guys....the others are not coming..." Kat says

"We split up...didn't we?" Destiny said.

Lee stared to feel scared again, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, making cold shivers go down his back. Destiny shushed them all

"" Luna says, she stood up. Destiny pulled her back down

"What are you doing?!" She hissed, but Luna broke out of Destiny's grip, "I feel a sad, lonely presences..." Luna says

"Don't go running off, we'll all go." Kat says

Lee gasps and say "G-go back!?"

"They'll find us soon enough.." Destiny says, she got up but then she gasps. Kat, Luna and Lee slowly got up, there eyes widened as they saw that there plan couldn't work

They were here.....................

Luna eyes started to glow neon blue. Closing her eyes, she lifted up her hand towards the angels and made a orb of blue energy around us.

"Luna! they're gonna feast on that!" Destiny said, as the angels came faster. They started forming round the orb and Luna's orb started to loose power. Everyone was literally hugging each other. But the angels didn't move

"They stopped moving......."Lee said, suddenly Destiny yelled

"Luna you genius...They looked at each other when they were getting orb!" Destiny says, realizing. Luna smirked in triumph

"And I outsmarted a time lord." She says

Suddenly a ear piercing scream was heard

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