Let It Snow..

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Bunnys POV

We sat under the porch as it snowed. Apparently, it was dangerous

"But how is it dangerous!" Whined Lee for the 27th time

"It's..complicated." Hazel and Destiny said for the 27th time aswell.

I giggled at the two of them, Lee and Destiny both look at me,

"What!" They both said, frustrated.

"Nothing. Just the fact you guys look stupid." I said, rolling my eyes. They both huffed in unison. Which was even more hilarious, but I managed to be quite.

Maybe I'm starting to think that Kile was right about shipping Lee and Destiny

(A/N - BTW GUYS, KILE SHIPS ME AND LEE...help....there's even a fanfic....go ahead an read it and annoy me!)

I smiled at the thought and looked at the snow pouring down. My tummy rumbles all of a sudden. Few people turned round, I laughed it off nervously.

"Isn't anyone else hungry?" I ask

"Well now that you mention it...yes." Stampy said.

"Let's go in the house!" Lee says, he ran in but got stopped by Destiny.

"Whoah, the last thing we need is someone getting lost....Don't run in yourself."

"Squid, Stampy, Ash and Lee. Get some food." Hazel said

They nodded and ran, Lee trailing behind them. Destiny rolled her eyes at him and sighed.

"When does the trail start..." She murmured to herself


"At 6." Lucas telepathically
"Seriously? Again with the telepathic talk?" I said
"Yup! Deal with it." He said, I could hear him grin.
"I really miss him." I said finally
"Y-You mean Drake?"
"Of course I do! Who else! He was like a brother to us!"
"Okay.Okay. I miss him too." Lucas said, his tone changed "We'll teach that...guy a lesson, the one who captured Drake.

"Yeah. That sounds like a plan." I said, before voices were muffled.

"Guys were back!" Sand Squid as he came in with a big box of food.

Rosie and everyone looked at them astonished

"How did you get here so fast!?" She said.

"Well it was bear the stairs." Lee said, eating a apple. "It was like it was left there on purpose.

I saw Lucas' eyes widened

"ITS A TRAP!" He yelled.

And as if on queue, Lee dropped to the floor, unconscious.....

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