The Hazel Angel

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Lucas' POV

We ran into the living room, and we both stop to breath, when slight moans appeared. We dived towards the sofa and hid behind it and tried to keep our panting down. Hazel stayed suspiciously silent, rubbing her eyes and whenever I look her way, she turns her back quickly. Distant groans where the only sound that broke our silence every so often.

Giving up, I spoke up and said "Hazel! What is up, your ignoring me? We're in a matter of life and death and you choose not to work together."

Hazel jumped and sighed, she showed me her hand. I looked at her confused before I realised, my eyes widened in shock as her hand crumpled a little, pieces of dust fell to the ground.

"Y-your hand.....its stone?!" I whispered in shock, I looked her in confusion
"I-I looked into an angel's eyes" she said slowly
"And that's why Destiny warned us." I said, understanding more

"I couldn't help it, it caught was like it was asking for help." Hazel said, before mumbling words I couldn't hear.

More groans were heard closer this time, bits off hope crushed to dust too the noise. I gulped and said "W-We got to go, now, Hazel." I turned and was about to jump up, when she pulled me back with her stone hand.

I turned round confused "H-Hazel?"

"Oh sorry.....I'm just scared, a little." She said, I nodded and tried to get up again. But her hand stopped me.

"Hazel!" I hissed

"I'm sorry its stuck!" Hazel said in fright, she tried moving but it was totally stuck, suddenly out of nowhere pain stabbed me in my mind, it was coming from my arm, which was caused by Hazel. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to mute the cry down. But some sound escaped my mouth, and Hazel stopped.

"I'm so sorry.....Its just.....stuck. Oh Lucas, what are we gonna do?" Hazel whispered, not bothered to hide the fear in her voice.

"We'll just have to stick together......literally together, or either my hand breaks...or yours." I decided, she nodded and we both slowly got up. We wobbled a little but regained our balance and slowly shifted towards the left door, we peeked over the side and started to walk down the left walkside. Groans were heard again, but i didn't taunt me like last time. My eyes darted, I needed to get back to everyone and sort Hazel out.

Suddenly stone was heard, really near us. I tensed up, and looked around quickly, I felt Hazel do the same, as slight pains of her moving rolled slowly up my arm. I pushed the pain aside and kept looking, the halls behind and front were why did it sound so-

"Lucas look out!" Hazel screamed, I turned my head and saw a angel trying to catch me. Hazel pulled towards her side. I yelped, the pain rolled up my arm, and into my shoulder. With a angel that could kill me, and a stone hand that could rip me apart. Can this day get any worse.

Suddenly, pain erupted from my hand, through my arm, through my shoulder and into my body. I screamed in pain. Aloud for everyone to hear me cry.

A/N so it was Lucas who screamed, btw last chance to give in OC's for this book. Stay whelmed and asterious.

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