More Dead...................

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(PLS PLAY WHILE READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Ash's POV (FearAshDubh)

Luna went out the door and after the door closed again, I spoke up. "What is she doing?!" I asked, shocked. "I haven't got the slightest idea....." Ember replied, shocked...Probably everyone was shocked, due to the atmosphere.

"We need to go after her..." Kat whispered loudly, we all agreed except Sky. "B-But w-what if t-they come?" He stammered nervously.

Jin put an arm round him and said "We'll protect each other."


Destiny smiles "It looks like you said my No.1 Rule Jin, your surprising me more and more." Ember got out of her hiding place. "We better get going." She said


AmyPOV (AmyLee33)

Yikes! We've been running for ages, away from the darleks. Yup, we unfortunately we bumped into them, fortunately, none of us have been killed.But I don't want to experience what will happen.

My lungs and heart were on the verge to explode.....


My legs were begging me to stop.....


My head starts to spin slowly......No...Not Now.....


Then, suddenly I felt a painful electric buzz explode into my body, making me scream and drop to the floor, Instantly blacking out..........................


Barney's POV (That_Guy_Barney)

I heard a lazer being shot, and then a high-pitched scream behind me. I turned round to see a unconscious Amy Lee. "Ohs My Gosh! AMYS!" I yelled and ran back to her, and tried to pull her, and failed. So I picked her up, and ran with all my might, knowing that im way behind my group...and too close to the darleks..atleast I didn't get sho-

Suddenly, pain flooded into my body, making me drop Amy Lee and black out

Spoke to soon.........................................

And along with did Finball, as I saw a blue lazer bring him down.


Squid's POV (iballisticSquid)

A scream suddenly echoed through the quite-less hallways, it was high pitched...and I knew who it was........

"Amy....N-No..." I stuttered.

Everyone heard me as their eyes widened, before another scream...a little lower came echoing. This time it was Jess who knew who it was,

"Barney!" She yelled, as a tear streamed down. She gasped as she realized what she did, and soon enough more echoes came through the corridor.


"Dang! RUN!" Autumn ordered, as we took of. Little did we know, the darleks had a advantage. Roise looked behind her and yelled

"Shoot! THEY CAN FLY!"

The darleks were in the air, shooting. It was a narrow corridor, so we scrambled about, dogding hits and getting way to lucky.

I felt luck was on my side, as I was in front, until I felt immense pain shoot up from my left leg, and making me fall.......................


SquaisheyPOV (SquaisheyQuack)

I felt a thud near me, i looked with the corner of my eye and saw Squid fall.

"GUYS! SQUIDS DOWN!" I screamed, but we still run on and on...... I started hopping from one to another, until I saw a beam shoot its way towards Roise.

"LOOK OUT ROSIE!" Bunny screamed in fear, but in the last second, I jumped in, making me have a pain in my stomach. I fell down and fell into darkness.

Before I shut off completely, I heard another cry.....and I knew who it was.

Autumn....had fallen


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