Too Many In...

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Drakes POV

Suddenly people appeared behind me, What! More people!? I thought in my head.

I turned round and saw a girl with neon pink hair with a blue crop top and purple leggings ,

a guy with a purple bandana with an eye patch with purple hair and a green streak in hair and wears ripped purple jeans and a purple shirt,

a girl with blonde hair blue streaks, and these awesome trainers with lightning strike at the end, she had a shoulderless blue crop top, with a black mini skirt,

A girl with brown hair and a duck beanie and a yellow sleevless top and shorts,

A guy with  dark brown hair a leather jacket and black jeans and black combat boots and sunglasses on his head,

A guy with dark blue hair, ear muffs, red jeans a blue sleeveless jacket and a light blue shirt.

"AMY?! SQUID!? FINBALL!? SQUIASHEY!? BARNEY!? AUTUMN!" Luna gasps. Amy picks her up and hugs her.

"Who is Barney?" Lee asks

"Iz am." Said the purple one, heavily accented with a Turkish accent

"So you already know who we are....but who are you?" Autumn asked

"Oh! I'm Jemma...He's Xael...." Jemma started

"There's no point Jemma, in hiding my identity..." Quinn said.

She told us her story, she was actually a girl, hiding as a boy to keep her identity....weird but emotional. Quinn is Xael

Quinn sighed and said "I hid my identity pretending to be a boy, but I'm actually a girl. My name is Quinn."

We all looked at her.

"Annyywaayy.... This is Drake and yeah! You know Luna and Lee." Jemma carried on, they all know.

" this place?" Finball asks

"It's where...he. Imprisoned us." Jemma says

"Whose He?" SquaisheyQuack asks, cocking her head with confusion. Everyone started to sit round in a circle.

"Well....the guys who did this whole thing of course! Put us here in our dreams! He strikes us with challenges until we get inprisoned...where these cuffs stops our powers.....You shouldn't of come here." I say, in a serious tone

"Whoah! Whoah! Whoah! I never asked to come here!" Squid protested, offended

"You...did....but you don't know." Xael added

"Whaaa? I'm so confused..." Lee says, shaking his head in utter confusion.

Jemma shrugs and nods "You'll get it soon enough."

"You said.....dream? Right?" Luna asks suddenly

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