Surprise my lovelies!

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Whenever I try to remember anything from before, it's a blur. Sometimes I feel as if it is just right outside of my fingertips, as if I could just reach out and grasp it. It fades away before I can.

When I woke up they tried explaining what happened. That I had died and was reborn again, only different. My heart doesn't beat but I still live on. Johnson explained that it's a condition that occurs randomly in creatures called werewolves. It's when a child born with both parents being werewolves and doesn't receive the trait. Instead they receive the Heartless trait. With this your body gradually crushes your heart till it no longer beats. Sure it is still there but we have no use of it.

I've been living here for six months now. I stay in an apartment with Autumn, a friend of Johnson, in Echo City. It's where all Heartless come to live after passing over. So many people here seem happy. I can't bring myself to join them. Something seems missing.


Sooooo this is the prologue to the squeal of Slowly Dying Mate called Heartless!

If you wish to read it go on over to my page and it shall be there. There is important information at the bottom of it so please do read it!


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