Chapter 4 'What A Day'

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[about the narration thing? NOPE! it was harder and POVs are better so Im not doin it, c: >>this one is Ari's POV,]

We all sat down in the living room, "Okay,what to do first?" I smiled at them.

 "It's almost 12. Let's make lunch." Eleanor said looking at us. There was silence for like 7 seconds and then.... "WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?! UP EVERYBODY,UP! TO THE KITCHEN WE GO!" El yelled. We giggled racing to the kitchen.

"Okay,El. What are we going to cook?" asked Perrie.

"We're gonna make...nah. I've decided it's going to be a surprise!" El said loudly trying to do an American accent. "Oh and does any of you know how to make something sweet for desert...or what about some drink?" El asked returning to her normal voice.

"I can bake cupcakes." I said.

"Okay,Ariana. You do that." El said while trying to search the cupboards.

"I'll make drinks." Dani suggested. We looked at her.

"You sure you'd do that?" El asked.

"Yeah..if you didn't know before I became a dancer I was a bartender." she muttered.

"Okaaaaay..." we all said.

"What should you do Pezz?" El smirked at her realizing she didn't have a task yet.

"I can arrange the table..or make salad so our meal can still be healthy." Perrie replied a bit unsure about what she just said.

" both!" Dani said.

"Yeah,do both!" El yelled.

"Okay,okay I will." Perrie said smiling.

I started searching the cupboards with the girls. I found everything I needed.

"How come I found everything I needed? I mean I thought we'd end up shopping for flour just to eat cupcakes.." I laughed to myself.

"Uncle Simon supplies them these things..though they don't really need most of it. He just said that these stuff might come "handy" some random time,and well,look at that. It did become handy." Perrie said smiling brightly while slicing some vegetables.

"Cool. My mom does the shopping for us." I said as we all did what we had to.

After tons of minutes. We were done. It was 12:42 pm. Perrie did the table,I served the cupcakes,Dani served the drinks.

"Here it goes..." El said placing a plate with a lid on the midst of the table.Before taking the lid off she looked at the clock. "'s almost 1. Let's eat this,bon appetit my loves." she took off the lid.

"Wowww. Looks good can't wait to take a bite." Perrie said.

"Yeah,it looks pretty good. I's the first time I made it I found its recipe in a website it looked nice and whatever you girls NOT tell Niall." she said which made us all burst into laughter.

We started eating whatever El served. I must say it tastes pretty good.

After a few minutes of eating and silence, Perrie started a conversation again, "So, are you and your boyfriends?" she asked.

"Louis and I are great. He calls me every time he's free. He's always checking up on me." El said and you can actually see her smiling.

"Aw,how sweet. Liam sometimes visit me in my apartment but he only stay for 30 to 45 minutes. When he's got more time he stays over and watches a movie with me or we just do something else.." Danielle said.

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