Chapter 7 ' Kiss You'

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The following day, I woke up early. I checked my phone, it was 4am, and I remembered that we won't be having to go to the studio for 2 days. Today and tomorrow. I smiled and went back to sleep realizing that I can spend some time with Ari and the other lads and their girls.


I woke up again and it was around 7:30am.

Be sweet to her.

Eleanor's advice suddenly played in my mind and I smiled and get off bed. I got ready for today, I took a shower and wore a plain white v-neck shirt and black pants. It's Harry's style. Haha! Get it? Harry's style? Gosh, I'm not a good joker.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw Liam and Louis having coffee. The others were probably still sleeping.

"Good morning." I greeted the two happily.

"Good morning Harry." Louis said.

"Morning," Liam mumbled, "You're up early. It's the first time I've seen you up on 8am. You always wake up on or after 10. And you look so happy."

"I just thought that since we're having a day-off I can spend more time with Ari." I smiled thinking about her.

"You like her so much." Louis said before taking another sip of his tea.

"Yeah, I guess I do." I said as I walked to the cupboards and started to search for something to eat.

I found some cereal, so I got a bowl and poured some, as I was pouring the milk, someone appeared by the door of the kitchen. I looked up, I saw Ariana stretching.

I put the milk down and smiled, "Good morning Ari." the boys greeted her as well.

"Um, hey. Good morning guys." she mumbled looking between me and the boys.

She sat on the table with Louis and Liam and I quickly sat beside her.

"Wanna have breakfast?" I offered.

She yawned, "Nah, maybe later."

"So. How was your sleep?" I asked awkwardly.

"Good, I guess." she whispered.

Louis suddenly laughed, "My god, Harry! You're horrible at starting conversations with a girl." Liam  chuckled at this as I lightly face palmed myself.

 "Okay," Ariana mumbled out of nowhere, "I think I'm going to take a bath." she stood up and walked away from us.

"Gee, thank lads. Thanks for embarrassing me." I said sarcastically and tried finishing my food quickly.

"Always welcome, Harry" Louis laughed.


"No, Harry. No." Ariana said for 46th time. Just kidding, what I meant by that is she had just said it a lot of times now.

We're sitting in the living room and I am so bored. I just keep watching Ariana scroll on twitter on her phone and I was asking her to do something else because I was bored. I asked her if she could sing for me, or dance, if she wants to go shopping with me, though I know that that would only lead us into trouble because we'll be in public. I asked her if she wanted to go swimming, grab something to eat or even play a prank on one of the boys. I have suggested a lot. Really, a lot. But she only said no to all of my suggestions. I think she was quite entertained by just scrolling and scrolling and scrolling on her phone.

"Can we please just do something?" I asked as I tried pouting.


Before she could even say another no, I spoke, "What are you even doing on twitter anyway?"

"Tweeting fans." she replied with her eyes still glued on her phone's screen.


"Sometimes I just really want to interact with fans. It's nice that you get to tweet to them, you can even make them happy." she smiled but her eyes were still on the screen.


"Harry?" after a few minutes of being silent, she spoke.

"Yeah?" I replied and stared at her.

"About last night." she started, "What just happened? I. Um. You walked away from me and then you  winked at me."

I started to think of last night. Yeah. I'm so weird. I walked away from her and when I saw her again, I winked at her.

"Actually. I don't know." I tried not to laugh.

She faced me as she chuckled, "You are so weird sometimes, you know?"

"I know." I laughed facing her, too.

We stared at each other and she was actually leaning in! What do I do? Lean in, too, right? I started to move closer to her and she placed her hands on my chest making me shiver by her touch. We were only centimeters apart and we were nearly closing the gap between us.

She sighed, "Sucker." she moved away and laughed.

"What the hell was that all about?" I asked. I am really shocked about this. I thought we were finally going to have a real kiss.

"Oh, nothing," she laughed, "I just knew you were going to fall for it. And you still look cute when you're as red as a tomato."

"What?" I exclaimed trying my best to cover my face with my hands.

She stood up laughing and ran up the stairs, "Bye Styles."

"Where are you going?" I asked as she stopped in the middle of the stairs.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll tell the girls and maybe the guys, too about what happened." she winked and laughed as she continued her way upstairs.

"Hey, no! Don't!" I yelled as I chased after her.

"You're not the boss of me!"

Soon, I heard a door close. The girls were probably together upstairs in one of the rooms. And Ariana is probably telling them about what just happened. I can't stop thinking of it. We almost kissed. She was-

My wierd thoughts were interrupted by my phone vibrating.

Perrie texted me; 'Ariana got style, right Styles? hahaha. :D xx'

After reading her text, my phone vibrated again and Eleanor texted me; 'Lol. Can't believe Ari can joke around like that. How do you feel Harry? Tell us later. x'

As expected, Danielle texted me next; 'Nice one Harry. x ;)'

I don't even think it's funny. Well, it is funny. For them. Not for me, though.

And then, I suddenly remembered a song.

And let me kiss you.

Maybe I should sing it to her. Maybe. Just maybe.

Yay! All done. \m/ Tell me what you think in the commentsssss. :P Thanks for reading, the votes, the comments, and everything! Seriously, thanks! :* xx -Chedi♥

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