Chapter 12 'Too Beautiful'

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(( Ariana ))

Me? Adorable? I don't think so.

I laid in bed without turning the lights on. I went under the covers and stared at the ceiling. I heard the door open so I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Ariana?" A voice said. I think it was Harry.

I heard his footsteps and felt him sit in my bed. "Oh. You're asleep." He whispered.

I can definitely tell that he was staring at me because he stayed there. And he played with the tips of my hair. "You're insecure, don't know what for."

Is Harry Styles singing What Makes You Beautiful to me? I can't believe it.

"You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or. Don't need make up, to cover up, being the way that you are is eno-o-ough."

His voice is amazing. Realizing that Harry Styles of One Direction is the one singing to me made me feel special.

He finished the song until its first chorus and I heard the door open again.

"Is Ariana there?" A female voice asked. Maybe it was Dani or El.

"Yeah. But she's asleep." Harry replied.

"Oh. Why are you here then?"

"I don't know, Dani. She's just too beautiful." I heard Harry giggle.

"She is. Well, I need to sleep now, Harry. Liam is probably waiting for me. Good night." Danielle said and the door closed.

It became silent for a while and I wished that Harry would just go back to his room now so I could really sleep.

"Good night, Ariana. Wow, your beauty is making me want to stay, I- Oh, wait. I'm talking to no one at all. I should leave."

I slightly opened my eyes to see what he was doing. He was ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head. When he was about to look at me again, I pretended that I was still asleep and turned a little on the bed so I didn't stay in the same position.

I felt him kiss my cheek and it became so hard to pretend that I'm asleep because I was nearly smiling. Why am I feeling like this?

He got off the bed and I heard the door close. I got up as well and held my cheek. I guess I won't be sleeping well tonight because I'll be thinking of him.


"Rise and shine, girl!"

"Ari! Wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes and see two girls jumping up and down on my bed.

"I'm up, I'm up. What's happening?" I asked as I let my back hit the wall behind me. I stretched my arms lazily over my head and I yawned.

Danielle flipped her hair and spoke. "The boys have an interview and it's super boring around here so why don't we go..."

"Shopping!" They yelled at the same time.

"Okay, okay. Can I get ready first?" They both nodded and they followed me into the walk-in closet, they were probably planning on helping me choose an outfit. "I think I'll be needing a proper disguise."

"Oh yeah, you're a celebrity! We almost forgot that." Eleanor groaned.

"People will probably notice your red hair even though it's fading." Dani shrugged.

"Wear a wig." Eleanor suggested. And Danielle and I disagreed to her idea.

"Why don't we go over Lou's? She's got everything." Danielle said and Eleanor jumped in agreement.

"Lou?" I asked. The name sounded familiar but I'm not quite sure.

"She's the lads' hair stylist and make-up artist." Eleanor explained and I nodded.

When I turned around to see what Danielle was up to, she was already there. With clothes in her hands. "Wear these."

I took the clothes from her hands and examined them. An oversized shirt Frankie gave me and denim shorts.

"And these, too." Danielle smiled as she placed a pair of shoes on top of the clothes I held. Good thing the shoes I packed were clean.

I went to the bathroom and did what I have to do. I put on the clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. The outfit looked cute, Danielle has a great fashion sense.

"I'm ready. Let's go." I said as I stepped out the bathroom. They grabbed their purses, and I grabbed mine as well.


Soon, the cab stopped and Danielle paid the driver. We stepped out and there's a modern looking house. The two walked to the front door and I followed, they knocked excitedly and a lady with unpredictable fading hair color opened the door.

"Lou!" The two chorused and gave 'Lou' a hug.

"Hello ladies. What brings you here?" She asked with a smile. She seems really nice.

"This is Ariana." Eleanor introduced me and we shook hands. "And she needs your help."

"Help? What kind of help?" She smiled at me. I think she was examining my face.

"Well..." Eleanor started as she looked at me. "She's a very popular singer and actress from the US and she has Brit fans. In short, we need you to give her a good disguise."

"Oh, is that so? Come in." Lou said and lead the way inside.

We entered a room, which I assumed was where she does her clients' make-up and stuff... I looked around as Lou prepared her things. On the right wall were shelves filled with wigs, hair dyes, combs, hats and maybe everything that has something to do with hair. While on the left wall were also shelves, but they were filled with cosmetics and make-up. Stuff that had to do something with beauty. On the middle wall were two drawers, which I didn't know what it has inside. And finally, in the middle of the room was a long table with mirrors.

"Sit there." Lou instructed me. I sat on a chair by the table and Lou piled some stuff on the table. "You already did your make-up, so I think a wig or contacts will probably help. And... You're from Nickelodeon, right?"

"Told you she should wear a wig." Eleanor lightly punched Danielle's arm before I could respond to Lou's question.

"Yes." I smiled politely at Lou. "How did you know?"

"Well, my baby girl watches Nickelodeon a-"

She was cut off by a baby voice yelling 'mommy'. "Speaking of the devil. Just kidding. Be right back."

"Who was that?" I asked Dani and El, who were now sat on the couch in the room.

"That's her daughter, baby Lux!" El cheered. "She loves Harry, so she'll probably love you, too."

Lou arrived and let El and Dani play with Lux so she could finish my makeover. She put the blonde wig on me and got the green contact lenses on my eyes. While she was styling the wig, the four of us told each other stories and what's been happening with our lives. Lou knew about Harry's crush on me thanks to Eleanor. I didn't expect El to be that talkative, she is definitely more talkative than her boyfriend.

"I think you're too beautiful to disguise." Lou whispered as she curled a part of the wig. I shrugged in response. What is up with people calling me 'adorable' and 'beautiful' this week? Weird.

When Lou was done, I looked at one of the mirrors and the disguise looked great. I can barely recognize myself.

"I'll possibly come over the lads' one day this week to retrieve my wig and contacts. Have fun at the mall." Lou informed us while carrying Lux.

We said bye to Lou and Lux and headed to the mall to shop for whatever we want.


sorry for taking long! tysm for reading, hope you liked it! i am DESPERATELY asking you too comment! lol. iloveyou all. xx

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