Chapter 2 "I Like Her,Duh."

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While the rest of the boys were starting a conversation with Ariana, I helped Niall up. Still laughing.

"Sick joke, mate. Not funny." Niall said looking at me in a scary way.

"It is funny." I argued and he ignored me because he was now walking to Ariana. 

"You scared me." Niall said giving Ari a hug.

"Oh did I?" Ari giggled and hugged him back, "Are you still going to the kitchen or ... you're really not going to eat A LOT anymore, like you said?" Ariana asked emphasizing 'A LOT'.

"I did not say that." Niall muttered.

"You did." all of us declared in unison.

"I'm not  gonna make that true, then. I love food. Adios guys." Niall said as he marched to the kitchen.

"Why are you here?" Zayn asked Ari.

"Well, we're not shooting for 2 months and we were given a break and I decided to take a vacation here in UK." she steted.

"And why did Harry bring you here?" another question to Ari from Liam.

Ari looked at me and mimicked me, "He asked me if I'd like to...LIVE WITH ONE DIRECTION! I asked if I was allowed to, and he said yes if-..."

"She won't get caught by the public entering here." I cut her off by continuing the sentence for her.

"Good thing there's an extra room. Harry bring her stuff there and show her the place." Liam commanded.

"Yes, sir." I said playfully while saluting to the lad Directioners call Lee-yum.

I went back to my room and got Ari's bags, "Come." I told Ari and she followed.

The room was perfect for her. A cozy bed, a huge closet, a small terrace and a lot of stuff. I'm gonna treat her like a princess. Yeah, I've been saying a lot of positive girly stuff about her because...

I like her, duh.

Maybe  love, actually. But. Nope. That's too quick.

"Orange?" Ariana asked looking around the wall color as she set her sunglasses on the bed side mini drawer.

"It's my favorite color. Fun, huh?" I giggled.

"So does this mean you chose the color for the extra room?" she asked looking kind of amused.

"Yeah, I did." I smiled at her.

I placed her bags down and she sat at the edge of the bed. I leaned my back against the wall.

"Maybe you'd like me to tour you to see the rest of the place." I suggested.

Though she was still looking around,she agreed, "Okay! Let's go! I'll do the unpacking later." 

I went out to our small, or maybe not small backyard and Ariana followed me.

Ariana went to look at our plants and poked one of the pink roses then continued walking around.

"HARRY. NO WAY." she yelled. I looked at where she was looking at and I smirked.

"I guess you found the gazebo."

"Wow. I already wanna live here." she grinned.

"Lucky you! You're gonna live here for 2 months." I said. When she faced me I winked at her.

We walked for another few minutes. "Let's go inside now." I mumbled she followed.

"You've been here before, this is the living room." we walked some more in the hall until we reached the dining room which was also attached to the kitchen, "Kitchen and dining area." I said.

Ariana was like - 'jaw drop', "Is this even a kitchen? It's Ha-yooj (huge)!"

"Niall needed it, oh, I mean, wanted it."  I smirked, "C'mon let's go to the bathroom-that-doesn't-look-like-a-bathroom."


"Wait, a walk-in closet? I think I didn't notice that one." she said.

"Yeah, 'cos you're blind." I said and she playfully hit my arm.

"Where else are you gonna bring me?" She suddenly asked.

In my bed.

What is with my thoughts!?? In my bed??! I think I'm going crazy!

Maybe I should bring her upstairs.

I showed her everything in like almost an hour. We finished on 7:34pm. Maybe the lads already made dinner.

I brought Ariana back to her room.

"Hey,Ari..I'm gonna grab some dinner..Want some?" I asked her whilst she unpacks.

"Mm...sure..." she mumbled. She looked quiet tired.

When we reached the stairs I blocked her way with my back.

"Harry..I thought we were gonna get dinner?" she asked in her sweet,tired voice.

"Hop on."

"What?," she asked, "Harry,I don't have time for games."

"You look tired so.. let me carry you in my back."

"Harry I can walk." she said.

"Please." I said giving her the 'puppy dog eye' face.

"Oh...alright. You're trying to be sweet,huh?" she whisphered as she hopped on my back.

I quickly-yet carefully walked down the stairs. When we reached the kitchen,I put Ari down and she sat down at a chair quietly.

"What would you like?" I asked her as I gathered 2 plates from the cupboard.

"Anything you can cook."

"I'll make...hmm...I'm too lazy to make something fancy I'll just make sunny side up.Is that alright?" I asked her. She nodded.

Before I could crack an egg Ariana spoke, "Oh,don't forget to sprinkle some salt on 'em as you fry it."

"Okay,Ms. Grande. Your wish is my command." I smiled at her and she smiled at me,too.She pulled out her phone while I continued cooking.

While I served the eggs she laughed at something on her phone.

"Oh my gosh,this is unbelievably hilarious!" she said somehow in a loud voice.

"What is?" I asked her as I took a seat in front of her.

"This is." she showed me her phone and she continued laughing.

[Hmm..what could Ariana be laughing at? Is Harry gonna laugh at it,too? We'll see...Hi lovely readers! c: How are ya'll? Hope you liked this chapter. ilysm thanks for reading! fan,vote or comment when you wanna. c; xo -C ]

The Story Of Us ( Harry Styles + Ariana Grande / Hariana )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora