Chapter 10 'Who Is This Girl?'

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(( Ariana ))

I just realized something. This is so weird and it's actually starting to creep me out.

Harry kissed me on my forehead on the first night. He kissed somewhere under my lip on the second night. And on the third night, he kissed me. And that kiss was directly to my lips.

Everything is happening fast and it's just been three days. How? He's got two months to spend with me and it seems he's doing a lot already on the first few days.


"Bye Ariana, Dani, and El! Bye girls. Hope too see ya all soon again. I'll definitely miss you all." Perrie  said as she hugged each of us girls and then she started to head out the door with Zayn. To what I heard, she's leaving because she suddenly had to do something with Little Mix. Danielle and Eleanor we'll be here for the rest of the week.

"I'll miss you Per!" Eleanor waved at her and she blew kisses at us, we playfully pretended that we caught her kisses and waved one last time.

"Damn, I'm gonna miss that girl a lot." Danielle sighed as she faced Eleanor and I. I was standing right between them by the front door and I am literally a midget. They're both models and they had long legs, I'm a potato.

"Yeah. Me, too." I nodded in agreement. "Though we just got to hang out for two days, I'm gonna miss her. She's quite a prankster, and so are the both of you."

"What, why?" Eleanor asked as we all started heading back to the living room.

I sat on the couch and they did the same. "You guys left me at the beach, remember? You all ran off to your boyfriends and left me in the water. And Perrie got Harry to put sunblock on my back when I thought she was the one putting it."

"Well," Dani smirked. "Eleanor and I will be here for the rest of this week. So prepare for a week filled with pranks."

"Noooo." I groaned and they both laughed. "I'll make sure I get to prank the both of you before you leave."

"We'll see then." Danielle laughed and turned the telly on.

Some news about celebrities were on and then a picture of the boys popped out of the screen.

"Let's talk about One Direction! I admit I am a Directioner and I'm fangirling in the inside because I'm the one chosen to report this." The girl on the show squealed and flipped her blonde hair. After that, the boys appeared behind us, Louis and Liam even sat beside their girlfriends. "Okay, so... Just three days ago, Harry Styles was seen in the airport. Some even said that he picked up a girl. Now, is she yet another one of those girls to be considered as 'Harry Styles' mystery girl'? Is she his girlfriend or what? Ooh, I bet the Directioners are going crazy about this right now. The question is, who is this girl?" She gestured to the left side of the screen and a picture of me hugging Harry showed up.

"This was the only picture taken and Harry seems to be in disguise. Oops, sorry Harry! Your sunglasses didn't do the work. As you can see, the girl is wearing a pink hoodie and also had her sunglasses on. You can also see a little of her hair, which seems to be colored red peeking out of her hoodie." The girl continued to ramble and I looked at Harry, he was also looking at me with a worried expression.

When the girl on TV said bye, Danielle turned the telly off. She also looked at me with a worried face. "That's probably going to cause a chaos in the fandom." She shrugged.

"I know." I sighed sadly and looked down at my lap. "I should've rode a cab instead of asking Harry to pick me up. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. It's okay, Ari." Liam gave me a reassuring smile which I returned.

Everybody was looking at me sadly and I wanted to cry. The way they looked at me made me feel like I did something wrong. Did I do something wrong? Maybe forcing Harry to pick me up was a mistake. I should've rode a cab and asked the driver to bring me to the nearest hotel. Or maybe I should've went to my auntie's house, she lived here in UK because of her husband. My gosh, I realized something else. Hate. I'll be getting a lot of indirect hate.

"Ari? Are you okay?" Harry, whom I didn't know was now sitting beside me, asked softly.

"Hate." I whispered as I shook my head.


"Hate, Harry. Hate. I'm scared of your fans now. They're probably going to send me hate...though it's indirect, it's still hate." I stuttered trying to stay still on my spot.

"I won't let them." Harry whispered and gave me a hug. As he hugged me, I felt...comfortable. Yes, comfortable is the word I'm looking for. Harry just had a strange effect on me.

Harry pulled away and kissed my cheek and I blushed, which was obvious because he smirked. He pulled out his phone and sat up. "I'm going to tweet about it."

"Harry, make sure you tweet something that won't make the issue bigger." Louis spoke with worry and Harry nodded typing quickly on his phone.

When Harry was done, he re-read his tweet and handed his phone to me. I read his tweet. 'i saw the news about me and the girl from the airport. that is untrue. she's just a fan i bumped to. :)x'

(sidebar - my hariana edit)

[    i ended it there bc i didnt update for over a month. sorry about that. :1 anyways, i finally updated! it didnt have over 1k words like i wanted it tho...the chapter only has 950+ words. lol tyssssm for reading. dont forget to vote and comment! ilysm all.  ]


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