Chapter 13 'Happily'

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(( Ariana ))

So, we went shopping. A few Directioners saw Dani and El and they asked for pictures. Out of all the many fans that saw them, only two asked for a picture with me. Danielle and Eleanor introduced me as their great friend. When they asked for my name, I told them it was Aurelia. Dani and El had a hard time holding their laughs because they thought it was so funny. That was the first name that came to my mind so I said it. One told me that I looked a lot like Ariana Grande, "the red head in Victorious". I told them that I get that a lot. And when they left, Dani and El burst into a fit of laughter. We gained a few looks from the people passing by because of their laughs. But we just shrugged it off. They called me Aurelia for the rest of the day and we had lots of fun.

Then we headed "home".

"Maybe I should put 'Aurelia Grande' as your new contact name on my phone." Danielle joked as we entered the living room. The boys were there and they seemed to be arguing.

"Hey. What's happening in here?" I spoke as I set down my shopping bags by the stairs.

"We need one more song to finish the next al- What happened to your hair and eyes?" Zayn asked, looking confused. And the other boys looked confused as well.

I flipped my hair, erm, wig and batted my eyelashes at the confused boys. "I had to disguise before going to the mall."

"Those are Lou's stuff, we went over because we knew she could help." Eleanor explained and sat by Louis.

"So, you guys need a song? Maybe I can help." I suggested. I was suddenly in a mood to write a song.

"You sure?" Niall asked as I sat beside him.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I nodded.

"Great! 'Cause I'm really tired and I could use a little rest. Bye." Zayn said in the quickest way possible and walked away to his room.

"He doesn't really like to write songs." Liam whispered.

I nodded as I grabbed the notebook and pencil from Harry's hands. "What do you guys want the song to be about?"

"Love. Duh." Louis said and he earned a playful smack from Eleanor on the back of his head.

"Okay, love. What else? Give me more specific words and maybe we can put it all together. Or maybe an idea about love." I tapped the notebook with the pencil repeatedly and tried thinking of something that will result into a brilliant love song.

"Like, wanting to be with someone they love." Harry stated as he stared at my currently green eyes.

"And how she doesn't understand how he feels when someone else is with her." Liam added.

"How about she really is with someone else? And how he doesn't really care about what people say because all he wants is to, like, be with her and just run away and leave with her." Louis was suddenly serious and gave a good suggestion.

"Niall, you have to share an idea, too." Danielle laughed and poked Niall's arm.

"Um... He wants to be with her so bad. So they could be, obviously, together. Like, forever." Niall shrugged. He didn't seem so sure about what he said.

"And they lived happily ever after." Harry whispered jokingly but I still wrote it down.

I examined the notebook in my hands and read a few key words that I wrote down. "The words we currently have are; love, understanding feelings, not caring 'bout what people say, run away or leave, together, forever, and happily."

"I think those words are enough to make a good song. You just have to put it together, right?" Eleanor joined in the conversation.

"Yeah, I think the words are good. Let's try to form a first verse from those words." I suggested as I encircled the word 'love' and they seemed weirded out. "What?"

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