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ty all for reading you beautiful ppl


Ashton and Luke stood outside the nursery, waiting for their daughter to come out. Their hands were entwined, and Luke could feel the wedding ring on Ashton's hand. He smiled, turning to Ashton, "Do you think our life ended up good?"

Ashton turned to him, "Fuck yeah it did. I got a hot ass piece of shit as a husband and an adorable babygirl. Of course our life is great."

Luke smiled, kissing Ashton's cheek.

The parents around them stated, but not because they thought it was disgusting or a sin--because they wanted to be like that with their husbands or wives and to be happy, all the time. To them, Ashton and Luke were the perfect image of a perfect relationship.

Sure Luke and Ash fought, and quite a lot. Luke ended up sleeping on the sofa more often than not. It was mainly over petty things like the toilet seat being up, or the bathroom was a mess because Luke took messy showers, or he left the bread out making it go mouldy, or he didn't go grocery shopping, or he forgot an important date. But Luke knew he made up for it because he was such a good dad and husband.

Ashton still loved him, even after eight years.

Soon the kids began to leave the nursery and once they saw their little girl, a grin was on their faces. Isabella found her parents before running over to them and jumping in to Luke's arms which were already open. Ashton took Bella's bag for her before they started the small walk home.

"How was your day pumpkin?" Luke asked.

"We did finger painting and then I went outside and we built sand castles in the sand box." She smiled happily, nuzzling in to Luke's neck.

Ashton smiled, "So you had fun?"

Isabella nodded which made Ashton squeeze Luke's hand. "Someone said that it was weird to have two dads, even though they have two mums."

"Oh, did they?" Luke asked. "Why is it weird, you were made the same way as everyone else, with love." He kissed her cheek.

They were coming up to their house now, as Bella napped on her dad. They got inside their house, they moved from their fancy apartments to a nice family home so Bella could have a safe environment and hopefully a sister or brother.

Ashton made Bella and Luke some snacks before they all sat down in the living room, putting on Toy Story for Bella.

At dinner time they ate their food before Luke went and gave Bella a bath. Ashton lay on their bed, his mind in over drive as his hand rested on his tummy. Luke didn't know yet, but there was another baby in there. Ashton was planning on telling him later that night.

After Bella was in bed and sleeping, Luke went back to their bedroom. He took off his shirt and jeans before climbing in beside Ashton. He wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling in to his neck, kissing his skin. "Love you baby boy."

Ashton rolled over, "I'm pregnant."

Luke opened his eyes again and grinned widely, "Seriously?"

Ashton nodded, "It was the night of our anniversary, I'm six weeks along." Ashton giggled, before he leaned forward and kissed Luke deeply.

"Oh baby, I'm so happy." Luke kissed back, peppering him in sweet kisses. "Fuck, I want you." Luke cursed, "That okay baby?"

Ashton nodded, letting Luke roll on top of him.

They made love that night and Ashton and Luke couldn't have been any happier with their lives.


it's finished yay, another one off the list

I'm gonna try and finish up a few stories before I start my new ones

teach me and growing up alone and also fame should be done soon

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