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Some people make the world special just by being in it. And I'm one of the few lucky ones in this world, to have such a person in my life.

This is all for you, Raksha. Always keep smiling the way you do. Thank you for being in my life. You truly are a special person, and I'm very, very glad to have met you. Though it's been just a few days knowing you, I know our friendship will run much, much deeper. Love you!


Sometimes, there is a certain someone in your life with whom you share an inexplicable, indescribable relationship. You can't define it or clearly demarcate the position that that person holds in your life.

The person in question is important, very much so. But if someone were to ask you who she is to you, you'll be unable to answer them, for she isn't your lover, or best friend, or family.

I have such a person in my life too - difficult to define, impossible to live without. We're sort of frenemies, yet not exactly. We fight like cats and dogs, but never use endearments for each other. It would be slightly strange and unnatural for us to tell each other how much we mean to each other, and love each other.

We disagree too often, argue incessantly. Others often say that we act like lovers. But I assure you, we're not. I have best friends, family, but this particular person doesn't fall in any of those categories. She's one of those people, who, when she's around, we could throttle each other, but when she's not, it's like something is missing from life.

They say that you should spice up your life, make it exciting such that if someone else were to see the movie of your life, they wouldn't be bored.

I can very rightly say that this indefinable person in my life truly spices it up, makes it worth living.

We fight one day, yet look forward to seeing each other the next.

She brings out the best in me and the worst. We make each other feel better, cheer each other up by compliments hidden in insults. We show how important we are to each other by endearments heavily laced with sarcasm. We ignore each other to gain the other's attention, and argue over petty things to prove how right we are.

Fights between us are common incidents, but we don't fight against each other, we fight for each other.

She's careless about herself, her health. I'm too reserved about my emotions. I fake detachment and indifference to protect myself from being betrayed again, by someone I love. She's too emotional, too free with her feelings, too easily influenced and sometimes, ends up being a pushover. We're completely different, absolute opposites, yet we're so similar.

We fight against each other, for the well being of the other. She refuses to care for her health, I force her to see a doctor when she's sick.

We've known each other for only about a hundred days but we've come to care deeply for each other. At least, I have. I know for a fact that if I lose her, I won't be able to get over it easily.

She's a quiet person, for me, at least. We don't talk very often, and when we do, it's pretty much always nonsense. But I can tell you, when she isn't around, she's missed. Her craziness, her over-emotional nature, her tendency to cry and laugh for no particular reason, that's what I love about her. Her innocence and simplicity is so wonderful, so refreshing, so touching that you can't help but love her for who she is. She's willing to cross oceans for people who wouldn't even jump puddles for her. She's willing to give up her comfort for people she loves. But most importantly, she's willing to smile, despite her inner turmoil, just so she can make people she loves and cares for, happy.

She's one of the very few people who succeeded in breaking down my walls, touching my heart, almost ten years after I made my first real friend. She made me feel, after so many years, like I am once again a kid, ready to face all the difficulties in life, with all the optimism in the world, always look for the good, the light in even the darkest corners and shadows. She brings out the child in me. No wonder she's so special, so important, completely irreplaceable.

They say, home is where the heart is.

Some things are like home. And if you're lucky enough, your home is a person.

And if there are no eyes on you to see you for who you really are, don't worry. Don't think you're invisible.

Deep down, you're invincible.

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