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Kill me if you want to right now. But I'm super super sorry for not uploading for nearly a month.

But what's done is done XD. So here's another update for you guys.

Hope you guys like it. Enjoy!


Prachi :D


Seeing people change isn't what hurts. What hurts is remembering what they used to be.

--- Unknown

Have you ever wondered what a mother feels as she watches her child grow up?

She remembers the time when her child used to run up to her, crying, wanting to be comforted.

She remembers the time when her child refused to allow her to walk him to school because he was 'embarrassed'.

She remembers the time when her child fought with her and refused to listen to her because being rebellious was 'cool'.

She remembers the time when her child left so that he could explore the world, be independent.

She remembers the time when her child laid her grandchild in her arms.

She watched her child grow up, from a baby to a young boy, to a teenager, a young man, a successful one, a father.

She watched him grow, change, as life threw situations and challenges at him.

People change. As situations change, as priorities change, so do they.

Some people are hurt. Broken beyond repair. Time heals them, like it heals everything else.

Some people have never experienced falling in love. With time, even they do. All that life had been waiting for, was the right person.

Some people are drowning in guilt. Eventually, they realise that what happened was fated to happen, and would have happened anyway, even if they had done things differently.

Some are betrayed. And the betrayal hurts them before they realise that those who betrayed them were not worth all the attention they were given.

It is important to move on. Forgive and forget.

It's easy to say, I know. And very, very difficult to actually execute. But it's the truth. It's the inevitable. The best option you have out there.

There isn't really any good time, or right time for it. It's up to us, to make it the right time, a good one. It's all in our hands, and has always been.

You've known a person throughout high school. Try meeting up after ten years. It wouldn't be the same person you're meeting.

People change. You are not the same person you were yesterday. Tomorrow, you will not be the same person you are today.

You change, you grow. People are not concrete objects, unrelenting. If you want to be something, go be it. Don't let anyone hold you back, especially the person you were yesterday.

To move on is so important. You can't hold a grudge against someone or something forever. Nor can you hold back a person because that's what YOU want. You can't hold someone back from seeing their dreams, just so that you can chase yours.

Nobody is a permanent fixture in your life. You're going to remember someone today and forget them later, when you're busy with your lives. Forgetting someone isn't wrong.

It's simply human.

If the person wasn't very important, or didn't do anything exceptionally different or worthwhile, then it's natural that, eventually, the person will be forgotten.

As times change, memories also change. And it doesn't only depend on what we think. Memories are not just created by our thoughts.

They're created, altered, changed by the people we surround ourselves with, our actions and reactions and our innermost feelings.

When a person changes, his actions change, and then, so do memories. They become tainted, or they become brighter.

There are times when I wonder if people ever think of me.

I wonder how many stories I'm a part of that may have been forgotten.

I wonder if I still exist in the minds of people I've never spoken to in a long time. I wonder how many times a day I pass through someone's mind.

Lives change, friends change, loved ones change.

Your hobbies, your interests change.

Your favourite ice-cream flavour, favourite colour, favourite flower - they all change.

But what remains, always, is the child in you. The child never dies.

No matter how much you move on, grow old, grow up.

No matter how busy you become with your lives or how rich, you'd enjoy sleeping like a baby, being pampered like one.

You'd still enjoy dancing in the rain and having mud fights or rolling in the sand and splashing water at beaches.

Because no matter how much you or your priorities change, the real you will always remain.

Albeit it may be hidden and unwilling to come up front, but it'll be your true self.

Whatever you do, don't let the child in you die. Don't let your true self die. It's the only thing that's constant in your life.

Remember. People change, bodies change, but the soul never changes.

Sometimes, in order to get something, you have to lose something.

Don't regret losing certain people in your lives. They're not there because they were never meant to be.

You may make as many plans as you like, but life will have its own plans for you. And then, you'll have no choice, no option but to go along with what life has in store for you.

People change. Feelings fade. Lovers drift. Friends leave. Friends become enemies. Lovers become strangers. You'll be judged. Life goes on.

Life WILL move on. With or without you. It's your choice to remain trapped in the past, wondering what could have been, or move ahead, take a chance in the unknown and discover what was meant to be.

But remember, in the end, it's your choice and only yours. Always. 

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