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I know I keep promising you about updating sooner, but I'm so busy with Strokes of Destiny, I barely get time to update this one.

But here it is, the new update, all about love!

Hope you guys enjoy it, and if you do, please click on the little star to vote, and do leave your comments. I'd love to hear from you.

Happy reading!


Prachi xoxo


"Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost."

-- Khalil Gibran

Ask yourself a question : How do I show my love to the people who mean the world to me?

What do you think showing love is all about? Is it only about kissing, holding hands, or sex? Agreed that these are some conventional ways, the obvious ways of showing your love, but are they the only ways?

Love isn't just about touch, the physical. It's so much more.

The little things about us, our habits, our reactions around the people we love, it's all an expression of love.

There's love hidden in the way your grandma scolds your grandpa when he doesn't take his medicine on time. There's love hidden in the way a father calls on his son for not wearing his tie straight.

There's love hidden in the way a man goes shopping for the first time, just to buy a gift for his wife on her birthday.

Love, it can be expressed in so many ways.

Dancing in the kitchen to the moonlight, with classical music playing in the background, arms wrapped tight around each other, that's love.

Watching sappy romance, or gory horror films, just because they love it, and managing to stay awake throughout, that's true love.

Giving up something you love, because they don't like it, that's love.

Even hurting someone, purposely, can sometimes be for love. Because you know that the person is better off without you, happier with someone else. And clichéd as it may be, you let go, because you love them.

Writing poems, dedicating characters in novels to that loved one, that's the passion of love. Remember the Taj Mahal?

But love, love is so much more than even this.

The quiet at the end of the day, when you're both sitting in the kitchen, mugs of steaming tea warming your hands, when your companionable silence is enough to know what the other person's thinking, that is love.

Leaving your loved one alone for some time, because you know that everyone deserves their 'me-time', that's love.

Fighting. Oh my, that's probably the best and the worst way to show someone you love them.

There's so much love, so much care hidden behind the harsh words, but not much love lost in those words which were never meant.

And then there are some with twisted logics.

Those that believe that pain is another way of love. Inflicting pain upon oneself, upon others, that's how they show their love.

And sometimes, love's hidden behind that fake smile. The smile that hides a million frowns.

And sometimes, love's hidden behind those eyes that shine too bright. Those eyes that hide a million unshed tears.

There's love hidden in knowing little habits. The twitching of eyes when you lie, or the constant drumming of fingers when you're nervous.

That constant playing with your hair, or fidgeting with the hem of your shirt, or biting your nails when you're distracted.

The way you cry over sappy romantic movies, or at night, when you think nobody's watching, nobody's listening.

The way you prefer black tea or coffee, with two cubes of sugar, or just a little milk.

Or, how the first thing in the morning that you do is go for a run or the last thing you do at night, before sleeping, is whisper a quiet 'I love you' in your partner's ear.

These little things - to know them, to acknowledge them, and more importantly, to accept them – that is nothing less than true love.

To walk on that side of the road where traffic rushes by, so that the person you love is safe.

To taste something new first, before your loved one eats it, to make sure it's not too spicy for them.

To carry the big boxes yourself, or the grocery bags for them, so that the person you love doesn't have to bear the brunt of the burden.

To hold the door open, or pull out a chair.

To cook breakfast one morning, or dinner after a tiring workday, to give your loved one a break.

If this isn't love, I don't know what is.

Sometimes though, I feel love is overrated. Love is made much more complicated than it actually is.

Love is a simple affair.

To know if you're in love, whether you love someone truly or not, it's easy, albeit confusing.

If the person means the world to you, if you'd do anything for the person, without any regrets, if you'd be ready to jump off a cliff, or burn your soul for that person, know that you're in love.

If you can't imagine your life without that person, if you can't see yourself without them ten years down the line, know that it's love that you feel for them.

If what you feel for them consumes you, overwhelms you, and at the same time, calms you, washes its tranquillity over you, if it destroys you even as it makes you feel alive, if your heart beats faster even when you simply think about them, yet your mind feels calm, quiet, know that it's love that does this to you.

When it feels like the emotion's killing you, when it feels like you're bubbling with adrenaline, every nerve ending is bursting with energy.

And when it feels like your mind is blank, you're so peaceful, so calm, when not a single line mars your brow, when you're so tranquil that you can quiet your insides enough to listen to the birds chirping, the leaves swishing, the sounds of the world surrounding you.

Only love has the power to make you feel these conflicting emotions, and have an explanation for it too.

But there's one thing love can do to you that will destroy you in every negative sense of the word.

Love can make you lose yourself to the point where it shatters you and you no longer know how to put yourself together, because you've already lost yourself in the race to be someone else.

Remember, love can make you feel like it's destroying you, but it can't really. Not unless you give it the power to do so.

Love is an emotion. It is not, and can never be equal to your life.

Love can never be greater than your life. It is meant to be an emotion. Don't give it so much importance that it truly kills you. But don't close yourself off from love altogether.

Love, and love with all you have, but live first. Live your life with the freedom, with the happiness you deserve.

But in the end, your happiness lies in your hands.

In the end, it's your choice, and always will be.

So choose wisely.

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