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Hey guys! I'm very very sorry to have not updated all this while. But there's been so much to do, that I got absolutely no time to write.

But anyway, here's a new update for you. Hope you guys like it!

Don't forget to vote and comment.


Prachi :D


"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

-- Apple Inc.

The Japanese say that you have three faces - the first, you show to the world, the second, to your close friends and family and the third, you never show to anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are.

How many of you out there can honestly say that you're different people at home and at school, or your workplace?

You wear masks to hide your true self.

Sometimes, it's for acceptance - into society, into a certain friend circle, among your classmates or colleagues and so on.

Sometimes, it's to protect yourself, from the world and it's harsh reality. To protect your heart and trust from being broken.

You're a different person in the morning and a different one at night.

Facades. Everyone puts up one. To hide their fears, to get over heartbreak, to fit into society. Some people can share their real self with certain trusted people while others can't, or don't.

Some bottle up their emotions and some let them all out.

Some fake emotional detachment, while others act bubbly, too happy for it to be true.

The brightest smiles often hide the darkest secrets.

But how long can you put up a facade? How long are you going to mask your fears and pains? Everyone has a limit of self-control and once it's been crossed, you're bound to break, no matter how hard you try to resist. Your true self will come out one day or the other.

Is acceptance into society that important? So important that you can risk losing your true self for it?

Isn't acceptance from your loved ones enough?

And who are you even trying to impress? Those people who judge you without knowing you? Who'll never know the truth, for they've never heard your story?

What kind of satisfaction will such acceptance give you? Yes, the world will accept you. But that's only if you behave or present yourself the way they want to see you.

But your loved ones? They'll accept you the way you are.

And you know what's most important? You accepting yourself. Unless you love yourself, are comfortable in your own skin, accept yourself, body and soul, the way you are, there'll be no one who'll accept you. Not even your loved ones.

Often, behind your masks lie your insecurities.

One of the most simple, most basic facades is make-up.

Why do you put make-up? To hide blemishes, marks, your flaws? Why? So that you can be accepted into society? Because people only shower attention on those who are pretty, not beautiful?

Remember, you're perfect with all your imperfections and if anyone tells you otherwise, they're too blind to see the truth, the reality.

And aren't you being a coward by putting up a facade? Are you a weak, spineless person who's too scared to show the world who he really is?

Why? Are you afraid you won't be accepted?

Are you afraid to be different?

Remember, you're a strong person. Being different isn't a crime. And if you are different, it's nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of.

If the world doesn't accept you, make it accept you.

If society doesn't give you the place you deserve, make your own place. Make your own mark.

You've been brought into this world for a purpose and it's up to you to fulfill that purpose and not die an ordinary death.

You want people to remember you after you die? Then you need to do something worthwhile for that to happen.

And you are the only one who can help yourself do this. You're strong. Deep down, you're infallible, invincible.

People will say things to discourage you, anger you, just to get a reaction out of you, to spite you.

But it's your choice too, to let it affect you. You can either pay no heed to them, or you can let them be the cause of your downfall. It's your choice and always will be.

Not everyone will shun you, or try to bring you down.

You're never alone in any battle. You may lead the army but you'll have your contingent to support you, defend you and fight with you and for you. They'll give you courage when you're at your lowest and put you in your place when your head's too high up in the clouds.

Now it's up to you to fight against clichés or succumb to them, to become a cliché or prove them wrong.

Be your true self. If the world refuses to accept you that way, then the world doesn't deserve you.

To give up your real self for approval and acceptance is never worth it. Never.

For if people do love your facades, remember, it is your masks that they love.

And once the masks slip off, there isn't any guarantee that they'll love you for who you really are.

So the best option here is to show your true self to the world and see who accepts you. Those who do will end up being the people you can truly trust and depend upon.

Facades hide your insecurities. And to be strong, you need to get over your insecurities. That can only happen if and when you give up hiding behind masks.

Be true to yourself. And don't be afraid to be different.

For being different is being unique, in your own way. And to leave your mark in this world, being different is a must.

Don't be beautiful like everyone else. Be beautiful like you. Be your own kind of beautiful, your own kind of different.

Because different is beautiful.

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