That Game of Tag

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Ferlyn, a young girl in her teens, impatiently tapped her right foot on the tiled floor. She glanced at her wristwatch for nth time, and frowned in annoyance.

"Where are those freaks?!" She muttered under her breath, taking in a heap of air, only to blow it out a second later. She and her friends were supposed to meet at eight o'clock but it had already been an hour and there was still no sign of them.

Ferlyn sent a text to everyone, stating that they were VERY late. Soon, she heard her phone beep signaling that someone replied.

From: Maffi

Sareh. Have a major hang over from last night. Gonna be there in 30 mins.

To: Fe

And another beep.

From: June

Yo. Am already outside. Meetcha up there.

To: Duckie

And another.

From: Eula

Sorry. Gonna be there in a minute. I had a long night of playing wii with bro.

To: Ferlyn

After reading the last text message, she heard the overly-familiar and loud voice of her friend.

"Hey duckie! Good morning!"

Ferlyn mentally face-palmed as she hid her face. Everyone at the café stared at the two of them like they were insane.

"Hi. It's too early to be that loud, you know. And you're an hour late."

June grinned at her, not denying the fact. She took a seat beside Ferlyn and finger-combed her messy platinum blonde hair.

"At least I got here earlier than those two tardy fellows."

Ferlyn nodded in agreement. Those two are always late, especially Maffi.

The two decided to order at the café already, and when June's Oreo shake and Ferlyn's mocha frappé got served, Eula had finally arrive.

"I'm reeeaaaally sorry for being late. Brother challenged me to a new game he bought and he wouldn't accept getting defeated by me, so I was forced to play with him till midnight."

Oh the perks of having an older brother. Ferlyn knew exactly what it felt to have an older brother.

Eula ordered an Americano as the two happily sipped on their sweet drinks.

"Is she really coming?" June hummed, asking about her very late friend.

"Yeah, I'm here. Sorry guys, my head's pounding so hard."

FERLYN: Le Quatre, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now