That Third Date

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It was a fine lovely day. Birds were chirping. Children were playing. Mothers were humming. And the sun was shinning brightly. 

The day was almost perfect, if not for a certain raven-haired girl pacing back and forth with her phone between her ear and shoulder, panicking.

"Please help me!!"

She could hear shuffling from the other line, followed by a groan and other incoherent words.

"What time do you think it is?!"

"Uh," Ferlyn glanced at her clock placed on her nightstand. "10 o'clock."

"Exactly!!" Ferlyn had to distance the phone from her ear, scared that she might go deaf if she didn't. "It's ten o'clock in the fuckin' Saturday morning! You know I usually wake up at one, right?"

"But June, I really really need your help." Ferlyn pleaded, rummaging through her closet. Still, no outfit.

"Why don't you ask Vince?"

Vince was Ferlyn's older brother by three years.

"He's at the gym right now. And besides, what does he know about fashion?" She grumbled under her breath, chuckling at the mental image of her brother picking her clothes. Now that would be a total disaster.

That very statement of hers caught June's attention. "Be there at two."

Soon enough, she heard the neighboring doors open and close and heard her own house's door swing open and shut. She peeked out of her room and waited for her friend.

June emerged from the stairs, but not before hearing her shout, "Good morning auntie!"

Ferlyn grinned at her best friend, taking in her look. She was still in her pajamas and her usual blonde curls were messily tied into a, what supposed to be called, bun.

"It's your third date already. You should have learned how to pick your outfit by now." June chattered while rummaging through Ferlyn's wide closet.

"I know how to pick my outfit IF it's casual..." Ferlyn trailed off, expecting the coming outburst from the blonde. "Oh my! He's taking you out to a formal dinner?!"

Typical June.

Ferlyn nodded, not looking at June, though she could feel the blonde's gaze at her, making her blush.

June squealed in excitement as she saw her friend's reaction. She closed Ferlyn's closet and grinned. "Let's go shopping!"

They agreed to meet in front of June's garage and they parted to get change. After fixing themselves, they went and boarded June's Maserati.

FERLYN: Le Quatre, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now