That Surprise

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'I'm forgetting something.'

Ferlyn was in deep shit.

Fixing her hair tousled by the wind, she clutched on the railings tightly, silently praying for her safety.

It was a very extreme situation, yes indeed. She prevented herself from looking down, but her head moved on its own, disobeying her command.

She looked down and swore loudly. Down below laid a dried river with sharp rocks and big boulders poking out like sharp knives. One slip and fall will lead her to the other side of life, not the other side of the bridge.

She didn't even knew why she was there, slowly inching towards the other side of the pole bridge, hanging unto the rails for her dear life. All she ever knew was that June dragged her towards a helicopter and then it dropped them onto the wild together with a back pack.

Thankfully, she landed safely. She opened the bag and saw lots of hiking supplies, food, a map of the place, and a note from June- "Meet you at the shore. TC and ily."

Damn that outback girl!—thought Ferlyn to herself. She had no choice than to give in to the friend's intention and followed where the map led. She didn't want to stay, oh no she didn't. There might be lions and tigers around so she kept moving, staying alert all the time.

'I'm forgetting something.'

To her sense of relief, she successfully crossed the pole bridge and went unto her next destination, a swamp.

Swamps were known for their green, slimy water and moist air and surroundings. Just the image in her head could make her cringe in disgust. She fixed her snake-proof boots and carefully placed her left foot into the water, feeling the slippery ground.

She hesitated a bit, wondering if it was okay to take another step. She slowly moved her right leg, only to step on a stone and slip. Good thing she never let go of the vine she was holding the whole time.

Discarding the slimy swamp, she went to look at the map for another option. Thank god there was one, but she needed to go back and take a turn towards west. She also needed to climb a steep mountain. Just great.

'I'm forgetting something.'

She walked back and followed the directions in the map. Soon, she was in front of the mountain. She couldn't believe that the mountain was only waist-high. It was a miniature. And here she thought that she had to climb a TALL one.

Sighing at the unexpected turn of events, Ferlyn walked over the miniature mountain, only to find out that the mountain wasn't a mountain, but a hill. An ant hill, to be exact. Ants swarmed beside her boots as she accidentally destroyed the top part of the hill.

Despite wearing protective boots, Ferlyn still panicked and ran away from the spot, stomping the ants off her boots. 

FERLYN: Le Quatre, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now