Chapter Twelve

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It's been a few days since Elena and I told Bonnie about the supernatural. Bonnie's curiosity was both cute and annoying. Whenever she had a question, she would text either of us right away. And sometimes she would ask us a question that we didn't have an answer to.

Once I got dressed, I walked out of my room and walked over to Jeremy's room, to see how he is. When I was in front of his room, I see him sketching.

I smile as I watched him sketch, before quietly closing the door. I grab the schoolbag and quickly headed downstairs. Jenna was putting her purse on her shoulder and Elena was walking out of the kitchen.

"Jeremy's got his sketch pad out," I said.

"You're kidding?" Jenna asked me, her expression was filled with excitement.

"Nope," I responded.

Elena quickly butts in. "But don't say a word. The minute we encourage him, he'll put it away."

I point at my sister. "She has a point."

"Psychology major. Check that!" Jenna said, as she grabbed her sweater.

I see Elena look down at her phone, sadly.

"You and Stefan? Update?" Jenna asked, walking over to us.

Elena buttons up her jacket. "He knows how I feel and where I stand and I know where he stands but it doesn't matter." Elena looks at me. "He's leaving, moving away."

"Where's he going?" Jenna asked, concerned.

"I've stopped asking questions. The answers get scary."

Elena opens the front door and we walk outta the house.

"Yours leaves, mine returns," Jenna commentted.

I look at Jenna, alarmed. "Logan?"

"He's back," she stated as we walked down the porch steps. Elena and I both groan. "I didn't let him past the front door."

"I hope you slammed it in his face," Elena mutters.

Jenna laughs. "Ah, medium slam."

"Three strikes rule, Jenna," I stated. "You're not even aloud to watch the news."

"Exactly," Jenna starts. "No more Logan 'Scum' Fell."

Elena, Bonnie, and I walked down the opposite end of the hall. We see Caroline and Matt together.

"Am I missing something?" I asked, as I watched them.

"Was about to ask the same thing," Elena said, as we both turned our attention over to Bonnie.

Bonnie shrugs her shoulder. "They've been hanging out."

"Kind of weird, don't you think?"

They watched as Caroline and Matt back away into their classroom.

"She needs someone nice like him, as opposed to a homicidal vampire like Damon," Bonnie growled out.

"Yeah, how are you doing with all of this?" Elena asked Bonnie, as we glanced at her.

"I'm freaked out," she stated with honesty. "Damon tried to attack me, but Lys saved my life." She smiles at me, and I return the smile. "And also I'm grateful."

"Hmm?" Elena tilted her head in confusion.

"To Stefan. He saved Lys' life..." She paused. "Have you seen him?"

Elena removes her scarf and goes over to her locker. She throws her scarf and bag in her locker. "Not since he came over to tell me he was leaving. For all I know, he's already gone."

Alyssandra Gilbert - The Forbidden DoppelgangerWhere stories live. Discover now