Purple Life Stone

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"Do not be nervous," Loki mouthed to me from his throne next to Thor.

I took a deep breath, nodded and bent my head down as Thor was giving the initiation speech. Finally it got to the part in the speech where I was supposed to repeat after Thor, it felt strange.

Thor walked over to me and said, "Rise," I did as I was told, "Ash of Asgard, do you swear to protect Asgard and all of its inhabitants until your last breath?"

I do not know why I was so nervous as I was, but I kept my head down, and said loudly and sternly, "yes."

"And do you swear to never disobey your king as long as you are in Asgard?" he said unnecessarily loud. I snickered a little under my breath and I heard Loki chuckle. I swear I heard Thor giggle under his breath, but I did not look up.

Again I said, "yes."

"Finally, do you accept any fate and or punishment bestowed upon you at the circumstance you break a law?"

"Yes," I said a little bit weaker, but no one seemed to notice.

"Rise," Thor boomed.

I stood and faced my big brother, he flashed me a smile, but then looked serious again, "Ash of Asgard, daughter of Odin and Frigga, sister of Loki and Thor," a tear fell down my face, "I now proclaim you a Warrior of Asgard!"

There was a lot of loud cheering and I was suddenly lifted off my feet by who I assumed to be Volstagg, since Thor and Loki were supposed to be royalty at the moment, and taken into the crowd of cheering people. After I was put down I fought through the crowd and all the congratulations I made it to the steps of the thrones. I bowed on one knee in front of Loki and Thor, who were standing watching the crowd, and said, "My king, your highness."

They both rumbled with laughter, I looked at them. I have never really looked at them in their armor, Thor with his winged helmet and Mjolnir, his red cape draped off his shoulders like he was born with it on, and Loki with his horned helmet and his scepter, given to him by Thanos himself, and his stiff emerald cape. They both looked so powerful standing there, even with the huge stupid grins on their faces.

"Rise sister," Thor said in a mockingly authoritative voice. Loki and I laughed.

I stood up and was immediately engulfed in their arms.

"We are so proud of you sister," Loki said. I could feel one of his cold tears touch my head.

"Yes, not many women are appointed warriors, in fact I think only Sigyn, Sif and mother are the only female warriors Asgard has, and now they have you," Thor said. I let a tear slip out at the mention of mother and Sigyn.

"Thank you Thor, Loki. I just wish," I trailed off pulling out of the hug.

"We know," Loki said placing his cool hand on my face wiping away a stray tear, "we wish they were here to see you."

We stood there grinning like idiots until I heard someone try to sneak up on me. Fandral tried to punch me in the shoulder, but I turned and grabbed his fist before it could come within two inches of my shoulder.

"Impressive," Thor said.

"How, how did you do it?" Fandral asked dumbfounded.

"Fandral, you are forgetting my abilities," I said, "yes I have Thor's strength and Loki's teleportation, but I also have powers of my own, enhanced senses and invisibility."

"Not to mention you are a goddess so you are practically immortal," Fandral said trying to break free of my death grip. I kept my hand where it was.

Ash of AsguardWhere stories live. Discover now