The Fight with Steve

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"One more thing," Loki said releasing the hug. 

"Yes," I said hesitantly. 

"You will tell no one of this, not even Steve Rogers," Loki said sternly. 

I  began to protest but Thor stopped me, "The last thing we need is for all of the Avengers to be in Asgard, they need to be focused on training for the up coming battle." 

"Well what of Sif and the Warriors Three, and what about when we have to leave for my coronation, what do we tell everyone," I crossed my arms. 

"We will tell Sif and the Warriors Three that we will all be returning to Asgard to prepare for the battle and to have a break from Midgard," Thor said sternly. 

"Okay, as long as you are sure it will work," I said growing excited again. 

"Sister," Loki said with a smug look on his face, "You are forgetting I am the God of Mischief." 

I laughed, "I have not forgotten brother, we should be heading inside before someone comes out here to investigate our conversation." 

With that we walked inside and I was met with the arms of an expecting Steve, "Hello," he said. 

"Hello, are you ready for sparring?" I replied. 

"Oh, this I gotta see," Clint said. 

Steve laughed, "C'mon Clint, it's not going to be that funny." 

"Wanna bet," Tony asked. 

They then began to place bets on how quickly Steve would loose. Thor and Loki bet on 10 minutes, Clint bet on 7, Natasha and Bruce bet on 5 and Tony bet on 3. Sif and the Warriors Three just enjoyed the bickering between everyone. 

"Who says I'm going to loose at all," Steve said looking at me. 

"I do," I said crossing my arms. 

"Well then, go get ready, and we'll see if you can take down the mighty Captain America," Steve said flexing. It was just then that I realized that Steve was already changed into black shorts and a grey t-shirt. 

I teleported into my room and changed into my sporting clothes. I put on a pair of tight fitting purple shorts and a black sports bra and teleported back to the living room where everyone was gathered. 

"I still don't think she will be able to beat me," Steve said. 

Laughter erupted from everyone in the room, "Well let us see then," I said crossing my arms. 

"Race up to the training room- no teleporting," Steve said. 

"Go," I screamed and took off down the hallway and up the stairs. Steve was fast, but I was faster. I made it into the training room about 30 seconds before Steve did. Everyone was already there, so I assumed Loki teleported everyone so they could see who won the race. 

Steve came barreling through the door and stopped to take a break, "I think I beat you," I chuckled. He let out a soft chuckle and I walked over to him. 

"You...are...really fast," He said between breaths. 

"Yes, thank you for pointing out the obvious," I said releasing a laugh. 

I took his hands from his knees and stood him up straight. His breathing was going back to normal, but I could tell he was still winded. 

"Are you sure you still want to spar," I asked looking at him with my hands on my hips. 

He mocked my position and my tone and said, "Yes." 

We both moved to the center of the room to the sparring area. Steve started stretching and flexing as to intimidate me. I giggled. 

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