End of Thanos

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A/N: Hey Guys! So I am going to rapid fire off these last few chapters so I can start my other fan-fiction. This other story is blocking my train of thought and I need to start it
So sorry about the spamming!!




I was awakened with a loud crashing sound. Steve was already out of bed and putting on his uniform when I teleported into his room. 

"Suit up, the war's started," He said pulling on his boots. 

I teleported to my room and put on my armor. I strapped my short swords to my thighs and grabbed the All- my staff. When I returned to Steve's room he was running around trying to find his mask, which, incidentally was in his hand. I walked over to him and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Steve, calm down," I said taking his mask out of his hand and putting on his head, "We're all fine." 

He relaxed a bit, but I could still tell he was on edge. There was another loud crash and he and I ran out into the living room with everyone else. 

"Cap, what's the plan?" Clint said preparing his bow. 

"Uh, I don't know," Steve said looking at me, "You've been to the Other before, you've seen how they fight. What's the plan?"

Shock spread across my face, but was soon replaced by determination, "Okay, Thanos's army is Chitauri, which all of us have fought before. Thanos does not have any of the larger scale weapons like he did when Loki attacked New York," I started, "Sif, Fandral, Volstagg, Hogun and Natasha, work on getting everyone to safety. Take them to the bunker under Stark Tower. That's the last place Thanos would attack." 

"Why's that," Bruce asked. 

"Because, he does not expect me to be fighting, he wants to destroy you all before he comes to retrieve me," I said, "Tony, Clint and Thor, I want you three on the roof tops taking care of any Chitauri in the air. Steve you work ground control and Natasha, Sif and the Warriors Three will help you once they take care of the people." 

"What about you and Loki," Steve asked me.

"Me and Loki will close the portal, this time, the Chitauri will still live, we will have to kill them all," I said looking to Loki. He nodded. 

"What's different about this time, why won't they die," Natasha asked. 

"Because, Thanos is here, so he will still  have a connection to them, that's how they live," I said. 

I looked around to everyone. Thor spoke up, "Everyone, no matter what, the main goal is to protect Ash. She is very valuable and if Thanos takes her once more, she will be used to create the biggest weapons in the universe, unstoppable ones."

"Thor is right, Ash is the main thing we are protecting," Loki said. 

"I will fight until the death for my Queen," Sif said kneeling down. 

"As will we," The Warriors three chorused. 

"Right then," I said motioning for the Asgardians to rise, "One more thing, try not to give any hints that I am fighting. Let's go kick some Chitauri ass!"

Everyone fled to their posts and I was about to teleport to the portal with Loki when Steve grabbed my arm.

"Please," He said with tears in his eyes, "be careful, I can't loose you, not again." 

"I will, I promise," I said giving him a kiss, "Now go." 

He turned and jumped off Stark tower landing on three Chitauri. I made sure I wasn't seen and teleported to the rooftop portal with Loki. 

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