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I did not want to leave at that time, but I could hear Tony and Bruce talking and I know they would not let either of us live it down if they caught me coming out of his room. 

I teleported into my room and threw on some house pants and a t-shirt over my sports bra. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and walked out of my room and next door to Steve's room. I knocked and he opened it immediately. 

"Jeez Steve, you scared me," I said. I glanced at Tony and Bruce and they looked at us, but then carried on with their conversation. 

"Sorry babe," He started, "I was nervous when you didn't pop back here in like 3 seconds like you usually do," he said with a hushed voice. 

I walked in his room and shut the door. 

"I know, I did not want Tony or Bruce taunting us about me coming out of your room early in the morning," I said calmly. 

"Oh, okay. Damn, you're pretty smart," Steve said calming down. 

"Thanks," I giggled. 

He pulled me into a hug against his bare chest. It was so warm and comfortable, I could stay there forever. 

"Here, let me throw on some pants and a t-shirt and we can go sit on the couch," Steve said releasing the hug. He was still wearing his workout shorts from the day before.

He took off his shorts and I walked over and hugged him from behind.

"Whoa, I thought Asgardians have a rule for no affection before marriage," Steve said smirking and turning around to hug me back. 

"Well, we are engaged, and it is public affection and sex is frowned upon before marriage," I corrected him. 

"Okay, I think I can live with that," Steve chuckled. He let go of the hug and put on a t-shirt and some house pants.

He turned around and I grabbed him and kissed him. He kissed back passionately. He had accidentally picked me up while we were kissing so he put me down and we both smiled.

We walked out into the living room and flopped down on the couch. 

"Have fun in there you two," Tony said. 

"Shut up Stark, we were in there for five minutes and I was only shirtless," Steve threw back at his snarky remark. He put his arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head. 

"Okay, but don't be doing anything that could get her in trouble with Asgard," Tony said with a wink. 

I glared at Tony then kissed Steve, just to make a point. Tony flew his hands up in surrender. 

At that moment Thor walked in, "What about Asgard," he said with his cheery boisterous voice. 

"Oh just making sure Steve doesn't do anything that would get your sister in trouble in Asgard," Tony said. Thor's face went cold. 

He stormed over to Steve and picked him up by the collar, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SISTER!" He screamed at Steve. I jumped over the couch and faced them. 

"Nothing, Thor, he's done nothing. Tony was just teasing us," I said grabbing the arm that had Steve. 

He put Steve down, "And why was Tony teasing you two," He asked me, his had still on Steve's collar. 

"Because, I woke up and walked to Steve's room to say good morning and Steve was shirtless. We walked into his room, we talked and he put a shirt on. No harm done," I said standing next to Steve. 

"Alright, but do not, do anything like that to her, at least wait until marriage," Thor pleaded to Steve, letting go of his collar. 

Steve held out his hand to shake Thor's, Thor took it, "I will," Steve said. He looked at me, "I promise." 

After that whole scenario we all went back to our normal business. Steve and I jumped back on the couch, Thor defiled a box of pancakes and Bruce and Tony continued to talk about the war that was bound to happen within the next week. 


After lunch Steve and I walked out on the balcony to have some alone time, and not be tormented by Tony and Clint. 

"Do you really have to go," Steve pleaded looking into my eyes. 

"Steve, I told you I have to. I am apart of the royal court and Thor has arranged a meeting about the war to prepare Asgard for any attacks that may happen," I said with sadness in my voice. 

"I know, I-I just don't want you to go," Steve said and walked over to the railing. 

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arm around his waist, "I know love, I want to stay here, but it is my duty to Asgard and my king." 

He kissed the top of my head, "I know."

We stood there for a few minutes, looking over New York City until Steve started the conversation again, "Have I ever told you that I have only ever loved one other woman." 

"No, I do not believe you have," I said turning to face him. 

"It was back during the war. Her name was Peggy. We each had a thing for each other, and before the Hydra plane that I was in crashed we had set up a date. I woke up seventy years later to find out that she had dimensia," He said with a tear forming at his eye, "She passed away about ten years ago."

"Steve, I am so sorry, I never knew," I said with a distant voice. 

"It's okay, I love you and that is all that matters," He said looking into my eyes. 

"Why did you tell me this," I asked looking down. 

"Because you deserve to know. You have brought me so much happiness and love that you deserve to know this about me," He said lifting my chin up, "And...because I love you." He finished his explanation with a soft kiss. 

"I love you too," I said, "and thank you for telling me." 

"Anytime," He said plastering a big goofy grin on his face. 

I could not help but laugh. 

The rest of the day went by fairly fast, mainly consisting of goofing off and trying to ease the tension about the war heading our way. 

At midnight Steve and I went into our separate rooms and I teleported into his after he closed and locked the door. 

We both lied down on his bed and talked, to make our eyes heavy and drift off to sleep.


The next day was fairly similar to the previous, except Sif and The Warriors Three were all to ready to see their home in the next 24 hours. 

The time was set for ten in the morning for us to travel to Asgard and we would return exactly 48 hours after that. 

Steve and I talked until we could not talk any more then drifted off into a peaceful sleep in each other's embrace. 

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