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"Ash, are you ready," Thor called from the balcony. 

I was talking with Steve in the living room while everyone else was out on the balcony. 

"One minute brother," I called back. I turned back to Steve. He looked so devastated, "Honestly Steve you would think I am leaving permanently. I will be gone for two days, it will go by faster than you think."

"That doesn't mean I'm not gonna miss you," He said pulling me into a hug. 

"I know," I said. I released the hug and walked towards the balcony, Steve on my heels. 

"Are you ready sister," Loki said with a devilish smile. 

I grinned and nodded. 

I bid my farewells to everyone and stood in between my brothers.

"Heimdal when you are ready," Thor said looking up into the sky. 

We were surrounded by a rainbow of light and shot through the barriers between worlds like bullets. We landed roughly in the golden dome of the BiFrost. 

"Welcome back, my king," Heimdal said bowing his head to Thor. 

"It is good to be home," Sif said. 

We received our horses and rode off the rainbow bridge and into town. The towns people started cheering as we rode through the city. 

"Why are they all cheering, they do not usually cheer when you return from journeys," I asked Loki. 

"They are cheering for you sister. They were informed about your run-in with Thanos and they are grateful you are alive and well," Loki said.

I smiled and rode on faster to the stables. I dismounted and handed my horse to a stable boy who could not take his eyes off me. He was muttering about how amazing I was for surviving an attack like that. 

"Young man, it was no act of bravery I did. I was on the edge of death, the only reason I am here is because of King Thor and Prince Loki. They are the real brave ones," I said looking at him and smiling. He nodded and ran off to collect replace our horses. 

"Do you really think we were brave sister," Thor said in a sarcastic tone placing  a hand on my shoulder. 

"Oh shut up Thor you know I do," I smiled. 

Sif, Hogun, Volstagg and Fandral walked up in front of us, "We are headed to the training grounds to prepare for the battle. We will see you all at the royal ceremony later." Sif said. Thor nodded and they ran off. 

"Thor, I thought you did not tell them," I questioned at my friend's statement. 

"We did not, but we did have Heimdal announce that there would be a royal ceremony held later this evening," Loki said with a mischievous grin on his face. 

"And you did not bother to tell me," I said.

"Well, to be fair, you were in the presence of Steve Rogers and we did not want to interrupt your time," Loki said cocking an eyebrow. 

"Oh, okay. Thank you," I started, "Wait, so that means I have about 3 hours to bathe and prepare for my coronation." 

"You had better be off," Thor chuckled. 

I laughed and ran to the castle and up to my room. There were already 2 maids there to help me get ready. My two favorite ones as a matter of fact. They always helped me dress and would run with me in the courtyard while Thor and Loki handled royal business. 

"Oh, my dear, I cannot believe you are going to be queen!" Mathida said. She was a tall woman with a kind face and beautiful brown hair. 

"Who in the castle knows," I asked. 

"Only the servants and the guards. The noble men and women just think it is a ceremony to accommodate your, Prince Loki and King Thor's achievements." Vespa said. She is a little shorter than Mathida but taller than me. She has beautiful long blonde hair and has a fun spirit. 

Mathida washed my hair with vanilla soap and Vespa prepared my armor. My new armor was made with the same material as before, but it was bronze. After they had done my hair in a low braided bun I proceeded to put on my armor. I strapped my daggers on my thighs and my sword around my waist.


I walked down the line of cheering noblemen and noblewomen with a smile on my face. I scanned the crowd but I could not find Sif or the Warrior's Three. I could not hear them or see them. I assumed they were in the crowd and I could not see them. I reached Thor and Loki and bowed to them, then stood up to face the crowd. 

"My people," Thor boomed, "This ceremony is not what you think it is. It is a coronation." 

Whispers fanned out amongst the crowd. Many of them worried that Loki was going to take the throne. 

"I have held the throne for many years now, and I have done my best to keep Asgard safe and protected from harm. It is my time to step down as leader and give the throne to someone who has long awaited it and who is worthy of it. I am passing the throne," He said turning to face me, "to Ash."

There was silence, but then a loud roar of cheering and applause erupted in the crowd. 

I stepped in front of Thor and bowed to one knee and looked up at my brothers. 

"Ash Odindotin, do you swear to guard the nine realms?" Thor boomed. 

"I swear," I said a little shakily. 

"And do you swear to preserve the peace?"

"I swear," My voice was louder and more level. 

"Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambition and to pledge yourself only to the good of the realm?"

"I swear," I said sternly and level.

"Then it is on this day, with great honor that I proclaim you Ash Odindotin, Queen of Asgard!" 

Loki stepped to Thor to pass him my battle helmet. It was bronze with two horns on either side that slightly twisted upwards and a horn on top that curved slightly backwards. Thor placed it on my head and I stood up and turned around to face my people. 

I had to wait to hug Thor and Loki until after the coronation to seem more professional. 

Many of the royal court stayed to chat amongst each other and to Thor and Loki. 

I walked up to the throne and set my helmet down and walked back to the main floor. It was at that time when Sif and the Warriors Three burst through the doors. 

"Did we miss it?" Volstagg asked running up to me. 

"I am afraid so," I said. 

"Damn, I told you all we should have left earlier," Fandral said. 

"Oh shut up," Sif shot at him. 

At that moment Loki walked over and bowed to me, "My queen." I nodded to him and he stood up. Sif and the Warriors Three looked dumbfounded. 

I chuckled and Teleported myself to the throne and put my helmet on. Their mouths flopped open and they all fell to the ground apologizing to me for not showing respect. 

I walked down in front of them and said, "No need to apologize, you did not know. Thor and Loki wanted to keep it a surprise." 

Thor walked over after finishing a conversation with a few noblemen. "I see you four have come into the presence of your new queen." He laughed noting their extremely shocked faces. 

"Yes, is seems we have," Hogun said. 

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