Birthday Date

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"Well well well, if it isn't the birthday girl," Steve said walking up behind me and placing an arm on my shoulder. 

"Not quite, I have about 2 minutes," I corrected him with a smile and grabbing his hand. 

Once again, August 13 rolled around again, aging me ever so slightly by a year. I was to be turning 21 this year, 20 years exact from the day when Thanos attacked my family on Asgard. Now that I know the truth, the excitement of my birthday faded, but not completely. I still did enjoy spending time with Thor and Loki. This will be the  first year ever that I have spent away from the Warriors Three and Sif, that will be a little depressing. 

"Ding ding ding," Steve said looking down at me, "happy birthday."

"Thank you Steve," I said smiling then looking back over the illuminated city of New York. 

He sighed and retracted his arm from my shoulder and walked over to the railing. 

"What is the matter," I said walking next to him looking into his big blue eyes. 

"It- it's just, I-I have a question for you," he said shakily.

"You know you can ask my anything always, Steve," I said placing a hand on his. 

He sighed, "Well, I guess it's now or never. Ash, I-I wanted to know if, if you would like to b-be my girl-girlfriend?" He had horror and anticipation spread across his face. 

"Steve," I started. He stiffened, "I would love to be your girlfriend."

He released a breath he was unknowingly holding instantly his eyes went from anticipation to pure joy. He took a huge step towards me and engulfed me in a strong hug, spinning me around. He stopped and put me down. He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. Our first kiss. 

That moment was perfect, until I heard two angry gasps from the door. Steve and I both turned around to see Thor and Loki enraged. They both ran at Steve.

"YOU!" Thor screamed, "HOW DARE YOU DEFILE OUR SISTER, SHE IS A PRINCESS AND A GODDESS!" He picked up Steve by the collar and held him over the balcony. Loki grabbed his scepter and pointed it at him.

"STOP!" I screamed.

They both looked at me, "Sister, what is the meaning of this? This, mortal, completely degraded you!" Loki said not lowering his scepter.

"He was not! He and I are dating," I screamed, in tears at this point, "please, let him go." 

At this point I heard laughing over the balcony. Thor and Loki joined in too. I stood there, dumbfounded. Thor raised up Steve and set him on the balcony. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He was still laughing. I released and glared at the three of them, who at this point were all doubled over laughing. 

"What is going on here?" I demanded scowling. 

Steve stood up, walked over to me and placed his hands around my waist, "I asked your brothers before-hand if I could date you, and Loki had the idea to this."

I walked over to Loki and Thor, who at this point were standing up and trying to hold back another fit of laughter. I threw Loki on the ground and placed Mjolnir on his chest. 

"Thank you for giving me a heart attack," I said crouching down near his head. I removed Mjolnir and helped him up, "You could have just told me you knew." I said.

"Ah, but where's the fun in that?" Loki said smirking. 

I walked back over to Steve and placed an arm around his waist, "so you guys are alright with the two of us?" I asked hopefully.

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