The Message

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The blade struck my skin again, still i repressed the urge to scream. It has been 3 days since I was taken from Midgard, and Thor, Loki and Tony are working out all of the bugs in their plan to rescue me. Steve keeps switching from anger to depression to vengeful to anxious. I wish I could be there to help him.

"Thanos," I huffed, out of breath, "you will never get away with this."

"Oh, but I already have," He smirked, "oh, your clothes are all bloody, my sweet. I will let you alone so you can change." He gave me a wicked smile and threw a bag at me.

He left the room and after I heard the locks, I heard a beeping sound, and then, my hands were free.

I could barely stand from all the blood I had lost, but I gave Thanos what he wanted, so long as to keep myself alive. I opened the bag to find a ripped t shirt and a pair of tight fitting short shorts. I huffed and put them on. I put my bloody purple clothes back in the bag and sat up against the pole.

I heard the locks and Thanos walked back in, "Ooh, yes, I like that very much. Tell me when we are married, will you always dress like that?" He said with a smirk.

"I will never marry you Thanos," I said still sitting against the pole.

"Oh, my dear, why don't you come away from that pole, and have a little fun," he took a few steps closer.

"Do what you will to me, but if I am to be prisoner here I wish to stay locked up," I said looking him straight in the eye.

He huffed, but walked behind the pole and reattached my restraints. He then walked back in front of me and pulled out his blade again. He cut along my chest, stomach, legs and arms. A few tears escaped my eyes.

"Now my dear, you can stop all this pain and marry me," he said cleaning his knife and standing up.

"No, marrying you would be more pain than anything that knife could do to me," I spat.

"Fine by me, but know this, I will get my was Ash Odindotin," he turned on his heel and walked out.

I closed my eyes and turned my attention to Midgard.

"We've done it," Loki said in a small happy voice.

"WE'VE DONE IT!" Thor shouted.

They both hugged each other and ran out in the living room, "Everyone! We have found a way to retrieve Ash!" Loki said.

Steve shot up and embraced my brothers and the Warriors Three and Sif did the same. When they released tears were streaming down all of their faces. A tear escaped my eye too.

Thor explained the plan and they all agreed.

All of the sudden Jarvis said there was an incoming message for the Avengers and guests. A holographic screen appeared and showed Thanos.

"Thanos," Loki spat.

"Ah, Loki, no need for hate, might I remind you, you lied to my face and used me." Thanos returned.

"What do you want Thanos," Thor said.

"Well, as you know I have your sister," Thanos started.

I broke my concentration and saw Thanos walking in to my cell.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER," Steve screamed.

Thanos was talking to a droid with a camera, "Not to worry, I have her right here." Thanos said and he stepped out of the way to reveal me.

"NO!" Thor, Loki and Steve screamed.

"Oh, not to worry. She is safe, and strong. Even with all these wounds she has only released two tears. I might say she is to make a fine wife." Thanos said.

"As I have told you before Thanos, I will never marry you," I said. He chuckled.

He grabbed his blade, "You see my darling, you have just made a mistake. You should have kept your mouth shut, but, since you defy me again, your friends and family get to see you punishment first hand." With that he struck the blade across my face and neck, many times. Not only that, he began to kick and punch me. With every blow I could hear the sobs of my brothers and the rest of my friends.

When he was done he smiled at me, then turned to the camera. I lost eyesight, but I could hear everything. "Now, she has one more week to agree to my terms, or I will kill her."

I heard Loki's voice, "Ash, listen to me, you have to listen to Thanos, I cannot loose you."

I managed to say, "but I cannot, I will never see you or Thor again."

"We love you, Ash," Thor said.

Thanos said, "How touching, I always get emotional with goodbyes. Anyways, goodbye!" Thanos hung up and crouched down next to me, "too bad your family doesn't love you enough to save you."

He started to laugh and walk out, and I completely blacked out.

I woke up to Thanos cleaning his knife, "Well it's about time you woke up, you were asleep for 2 days. Why are you so sleepy."

"Hmm, maybe it is because you have beaten me and caused me to loose half of my blood," I retorted.

"Well, I am going to give you three choices, choose wisely," He said. I laughed, "First, you can say you will marry me and we can get married right now, second you can mate with me, or third I can strike you with my blade, your choice," He said.

"I will take the blade," I said sitting up.

"Oh well, I guess you will be scarred for our wedding day." He said and started to walk towards me.

"Do not get your hopes up, I have five more days, and then you will kill me. That is what you told the Avengers. I do not think you will back down on your promise," I said.

"Of course not," He smiled and began to cut any skin he could find that was not already cut. He ended up making many long cuts on my back, for he has never really touched that area since my back has been against the pole.

When he was done he looked at me, "How you are still the most beautiful creature I will never understand, you are even more beautiful than Frigga and Sigyn combined, I guess I chose a good bride."

"Do not speak of them, you killed them," I spat.

"And that Jane girl. Anyways. It is late you should get some rest. The guards love watching you sleep but I send them off so you can sleep peacefully." He said, then walked out.

I drifted off to sleep and was awoken by loud grunts and high pitched screams from Chitauri.

I sat straight up and listened, I could hear voices, but I could not make them out because of all of the background noise. I wish I could see out of this stupid cell, it would be more entertaining.

I heard foot steps outside of the cell door, then some banging and what sounded like an electrical shortage. The door opened and in flowed a lot of smoke and a large figure.

As the figure got further in the room I noticed it was Steve.

"Steve," I managed to croak out, tears rushing down my face.

"Shh, it's almost over, I'm here," he walked behind me and broke the bindings holding me to the pole.

I attempted to stand, but I became light headed and fell, but Steve caught me.

He cradled me and began to run through the maze of hallways. I began to get light headed and then I heard Steve, "I have her, and she is really bad, sh-she might not make it."

"She has to make it, get her to the BiFrost," Thor boomed through the earpiece.

"Ash, stay with me, I love you," he said, I felt one of his tears hit my face.

Before I could say anything, I blacked out and everything sounded really muffled.

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