Covered head to toe

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The darkness of the night woke me suddenly. I erupted with a fits of laughter. I couldn't help it. Something told me to. Something dark. Like a unicorn.

I sat up my pink hair falling to the middle of my back in knots. I stood up, opened my bedroom door, walked down the dark hallway scraping my nails on the wall. Leaving behind scratches and paint under my nails.

I clutched my stomach as it cramped from the sudden outburst. I couldn't stop. It was to funny which made me laugh even more.

I found myself in the kitchen I finally stopped laughing and grabbed a huge knife. I put it in front of my eye. I loved how sharp the end was. I couldn't stand it anymore.

I slowly pushed it in my right eye. The pain felt deserved. I needed more pain. I didn't stick it in to far but I needed more pain.

So I cut my wrist the right way. Dropped the knife. Blood ran everywhere, and it dripped down my face and on the floor. I licked my hands that were covered in my blood. It tastes of iron...well nah.

I loved how thick and smoothly it went down my throat. How the thick warm blood smelled how it tasted...I have the hugest taste for blood...especially the metallic taste.

My parents came down. Then my father turned on the light I dropped to my knees and erupted in laughter once more.

My mother shrieked in terror. She came to my side and knelt beside me. I pointed at her horrified face. Laughing. My brother came downstairs. His eyes popped out of his eye sockets. I laughed harder. I fell on my side. My face turning red. Hot tears streaming down my cold face. I was covered head to toe in crimson red liquid that tasted terrific.

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