Far From Normal

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I woke up early and just decided to take a shower. After my shower i got dressed in my black skinny jeans with holes in the knees. I also put on a crimson red tank top with black stripes. I continued to dry my hair when i turned on the tv.

Breaking News

Molly a six year old girl and her mother Amber 36 both died after getting kidnapped by Jonathon 45 years of age. Lost control of vehical and crashed into a tree. The Mother and daughter died of impact and the adults seemed to be impaled by tree branches and glass. Detactives are saying they think that they might have been murdered before the crash.

I giggled to myself. They might actually be smart enough to figure it out. Interesting. Ha! Think im going to be caught Ha! Wrong. From how much damage the actual crash did i doubt they will figure it out.

I put on black ankle socks and high top converse. Then i grabbed my back pack turned everything off and hopped on the bus to school.

Will was talking to felicity. Apperently she was dead but came back..like stop breathing no pulse...well her pulse was so slow and it couldnt be picked up but after a few days in the hospital they got her back to normal. She had crutches and bandages wrapped around her. Or so i guess because she looks fatter. So yea. I winked at Will who stared at me. He didnt show an emotion.

Yes. Im jealous, i overreact, i am very dramatic, depressed,  needy, clingy, morbid, and i have anger issues. Makes up a perfect fucking psycho. We got to the school and i was first down the isle.

I walked to my locker. Did the whole combo thing and shoved my shit in it. I grabbed my first and second hour binders and my pencil bag. I got to first hour. I didnt think about anything except getting a job.

Maybe the pet store. Its closest to my house in walking distance. Plus they have puppys and i want one. I might get a discount.

School went by quickly. Maybe i should get a lab. I stalked Will. Not really i just got off at his stop and follwed him home. Then i decided to surprise him so i climbed on his roof and went in his bedroom window. I set my back pack down by the window then sat on his bed and waited. I heard the door open. His dad was gone so its all clear.

Footsteps coming up the stairs...coming towards the door. Will opened his door. I looked at him. He didnt notice me at first. His eyes slowly travled to meet my gaze and back at what he was doing then snapping his head back towards me with an expression of fear and resentment.

"What the fuck!!!" he shouted jumping back.

"Hello" i said smirking.

"Get out of my fucking house!" Will snapped.

"I just got here no thanks. Plus we need to talk" i said sitting back and leaning on my arms that i put behind me.

"How did you even get in here?" he asked.

"Window..." i said casually.

"What do you want Elise?" Will asked really annoyed and taking steps closer to me.

"I want to ask you a few questions. I want truthful answers also" i said getting serious.

"Fine.." he said sitting next to me.

"Why did you totally ignore me after Felicity got on the bus that one day?" i asked.

"I wasnt ignoring you...i just havent seen her in a long time" he shrugged.

"You ignored me..left me out of every conversation" i stated getting a bit angry. How can he say he did not ignore me. He never even invited me in the conversation...or when i tried they both glared at me.

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