School doors

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I walked beyond the heavy school doors. My converse smacking hard against the tiles with each step. I walked to my fisrt hour. And I should tell you its a week into the school year so I need to catch up quick. I walked quietly and quickly to the teachers desk were she pounded rapidly against the keyboard.

Then I heard the whisper and rumors...gossip. "I heard she was in a mental hospital for five years", " isn't she crazy?", "I heard she was locked away in her basement and she stabbed her own eye out, that's why she has the bandage." True, true, and your all correct. Can I kill you all now. Picturing it. It's coming. And your all dead to me.

"Ah...Elise what a pleasure of finally meeting you!" She said trying to hide her fear. Sorry teach I can smell your fear from half a mile away. After all, I crave it.

"So Elise I have you sitting in the very back next to Will." She said. I walked away then I heard exhale slowly.

"Will?" I asked.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Nothing...much...but you look like you moved about a day ago and not have many friends I was wondering if we could be friends." I said with a huge crazy person smile.

He chuckled." Fine." He said everyone gasped like he did the craziest thing... He did.

"What?!" He screamed at them.

"You said yes to being friends with her?! SHE IS A CRAZY KILLER PSYCHO PATH AND YOUR ACCEPTING TO BE FRIENDS WITH HER!" Lily screamed.

I walked to the back of her desk and she shut her trap. The room was fill with dead silence and I could smell fear. It was so thick like fog.

"Lily...your going to die first." I said with a huge smile and my eyes closed. Then I frowned and bent down to be eye to eye with her. She gulped. I stood straight and walked to my seat.

Not really idiot its school for crying out loud. I plopped down next to Will my new bestie.

Class was boring. Everyone stared at me. Even Will...but he did it cause he's confused. So that's different right? The fear was still very well there. So much of the fear it tasted of...blood. How can that be? its an emotion.

Well it made me itch thats for sure. The Bell rang in its annoyingly loud way that made everyone sigh in relief. I stood gathered my things and walked to the door. There was a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head annoyed.

"Elise what's with everyone saying those nasty rumors about you? Your knew right,?" Will asked.

"I'm not new here I been her for elevin years...I will also tell you why those nasty rumors started...when the time comes." I said walking away only to be pulled back again by the wrist.

"We need to find a time and placed to talk more." He said. What did he mean?!

"Wait that came out weird." He said shaking his head. Really??

"I mean, I would like to hang out more out of if you need a study buddy...or just hang at the park or something." Oh that's what he meant.

"Sure my house at five..." I said walking away. Not like he'd really come...but I'd still ask my mom.

School ended with the annoying bell and I walked to my locker. Opened it pulled out my backpack and shoved two binders in it. The only two classes we have together...I figures since he might be coming over mind as well have something to do.

My mind went back to the second period I had with him...fourth hour...he waved and smiled at me...and I blew him off. How could I do that? That was rude. I should've smiled.

I shut my locker and turned to leave when he was leaning against the locker next to mine. Smiling. This time I made sure I smiles back.

"So do you walk? Or no?" He asked.

"I walk." I said.

"Cool I texted my mom I'm gonna be with a friend all day if you don't mind...I'd like to come earlier." He said...what's with this guy? He's cute and all but really?

"Alright...let's go." I said.

Here you go its longer and all

Thanks for reading and I will show a image of Will next chapter.

Also I need ideas for future chapters....I might use most of your ideas.

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