No Worries (Urban Love story)

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A/N: Hey Wattpad readers I noticed my other story wasn't getting many views so I started another story that might catch your interest. It's a hood love story and if you really like it please comment and tell me what you think thx. ( co-writer mikaesha) (p.s. listen to the song while reading its my inspiration)(Photos of characters on the side ---------->

Welcome to the Westside Brooks,is what the sign said when my dad drove down the rocky road.

   I'm Akira Banks ,17 years young,I got a body to die for the coke bottle figure, is what they call it my chest carries 36 D breast and my butt is a nice juicy shape that niggas like to grab at. I also have shapy legs since I run track. Toned stomach and long luscious wavy brown hair, and have killer hazel eyes.

   I know what your thinking why are you so beautiful and that's because I'm part Asian and Black. I'm very athletic although I only play 3 sports Track,Vollyball, Softball, moved from South Michigan and now I'm here in West Brooklyn,NY .

   My Parents are well know Drug Lords ,my father is the head and my mom is the main side bitch,she don't take shit from no one even though she known to be a hoe in her days.Im not really part of the family business ,but I know my way around it if I have to go to meetings and deals.

Anyway once we arrived I looked outside my window and seen all types of different people thugs,hoes, niggas, and people who want to be about that life. I know what your thinking aren't you about that life if you live on this side of the tracks ? And my answer is Hell Naw, you can live here all you want but you ain't about it until you really experienced the culture of the projects.

  Once we arrived at the house we would be staying at I noticed it looked better than most. I'm guessing that's because we're the drug lords and they can't get paid until we give them they drops. Wondering where the old ones are the side bitch got killed so the head moved to another city/state to run another one.

I walked into my room sat all my stuff down that I took with me to this new place of living,this ain't home until I feel comfortable enough to call it that. I checked my phone to see I had over 50 different texts from my mains in Michigan, Im going to miss them they were my ride or dies.

I answered the first text from my main bitch Jalissa Knox I knew her for a good 6 years when she moved from Detroit, she super cool and has a few tattoos.

(Text convo.)

Lisa: Kir I miss you, you need to come back and hang bitch we were R.O.D ,Sistas from Otha Mistas, My hoe before bros.

Me : Ik LiLi I will visit once I really settle in you know we will still be all that we neva gonna change.

Lisa: Ok love ya hoe I gotta go tlk soon

Me: Yeah tlk soon love ya too

(End of Convo)

I answered everyone else who texted with my misses and love, I got so many ride or dies in the world that it don't make since anymore. I've moved about 9 times now I dropped a few people along the way, because we lost connection,but still I think my people in Michigan are gonna ride with me for awhile.

2 weeks later

  I smelled pork chops cooking and knew my momma was preparing for dinner we've been here for 2 weeks now and school starts back up next week, I'm gonna be going to West Brook High, attending my Junior Year. My birthday isn't for another 2 months so I'm still young. I've met a few people around my age here and got holla'd at about 15 times from different thugs.

Kira ,Come down eat, my mom said in her Asian accent . My dad is Black and mom is Asian get the mixture now.I got my dad's eyes and my moms long brownish/black hair.

I walked down the steps and smelt my moms famous pork chop and Ming noodles.

"Hey mommy, this smells delicious ." I said while my stomach began to growl from lack of food.

"Thank you miah now sit down so we can begin eating." she replied back while taking my fathers hand in prayer.

My dad prayed over the food once I was seated and we all dug in pilig our plates with porkchops,ming noodles, and rice. We eat real healthy in this house because we are so active doing things.

"So Kira how are you liking the neighborhood so far ." my dad said while swallowing his bite of porkchops.

"It's okay the people seem interesting and Im starting to meet teens around my age." I said while thinking about my new associates that im starting to open up to.

I met this girl Sasha Davis, a few days ago she's mixed with curly hair ,she seemed cool we talked for a good few minutes and she introduced me to her boyfriend Charles Freeman who is black and he seems a bit thugish his nickname is C-Slaw.

After dinner I went out to walk around the hood and out of no where this thug walks up to me and says "Hey ma what you doin out here all alone" I had to admit he was fine with his light skin and lip rings with his hazel eyes.

"First don't call me ma the names Akira second Im looking for a friend you might know her Sasha Davis."I said staring in his eyes which were checking me out.

"Oh,Im sorry the names Anthony but people call me Ace and yeah thats my step-sis she went to the movies with her man C-Slaw." he said trying to sound more like a gentleman since I straightened him out.

"Oh okay thanks I'll just talk to her later then." I said while walking back home,until he grabbed my elbow softly.

"Hey ,wait I was wondering if you wanted to maybe chill some time." he asked while rubbing my wrist which sent shivers up my arm .

"Sure ,here hand me your phone." I said as he took out his galazy s4 and gave it to me as he unlocked it. I put my digits in and put it under Kira ;) ,I smiled while handing it back knowing I already sent a text to my phone to get his.

He smiled back and I told him I'll see him around and walked back home.When I arrived to my room and settled down I noticed I got another text from him.

~Text from Ace ;)~

A: Hey Beautiful,it was nice meeting you hmu sometimes I wanna get to know you better ;)

K: I know same and sure talk soon nite ;)

20 sec. later

A: Okay nite ;)

I smiled real big and thought about how I might like this place after all.

A/N : Well I hope yall liked this chapter in my new story comment / vote for more love yall and plz check out my other story called Affair with My Bestfriends Boyfriend, you might really like it .

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