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Ace Pov

We arrived at our trap house to pick up our delivery for the night C said the new boss sounded a little pissed off ,he met him once and said he shot a nigga for fuckin up his business ,I hope I'm not next.

Security looked tight today with having a key pad gate and two burly looking guards we might have some problems. C checked his phone for the code for both accesses and we got through the gate.

"Code." Said a buff dude who looked about 6'2 and had a thick native accent.

"BMTG." C and I said together looking them dead in the eye.

They stepped aside and let us through when we walked in I noticed the new owners changed something's the drug handlers weren't wearing clothes and they looked a little high off of the contents they were wrapping.

We walked down two flights of stairs and pressed in another key code and scanned our eye before we could even make it to the office of the head boss.

I buzzed the metal door to let them know we're here but I'm sure they already know from the fact there is cameras all over this new and improved building.My Uncle was the last owner and ever since Aunt Jackie got killed he hadn't been the same.

There was a husky yet firm voice that spoke through the intercom speaker on the side of the door that let unlocked the steel doors.

"Enter and wash your hand and put on gloves in the sink on the side wall to your right before picking up any content to your left. " said the voice of the new boss .

We walked over and cleaned our hands and put on the gloves while taking the wrapped tight paper bags and a small black metal case which I assumed held the heroin needles.

"If y'all drop or lose any of these deals y'all ain't gonna see the light of tomorrow...Do I make my self clear?" He said in his thick accent.

"Yes Sir."We said in unison and waited for the signal to leave.

"Dismissed...Details will be sent to your phones when y'all exit the primisses." He said with a nod to the door confirming our dismissal.

We nodded and exited the room heading to the hidden elevator that only can be seen down here and not seen up at the top floor.

Once we were outside the gate of the trap house we got the text and headed towards the drop.

Akira Pov

School and ended and I was heading towards my car when I heard someone shouting my name looking towards the voice I seen Sasha striding over.

"Hey Kiki where you headed." She said while typin something on her phone.

"Home probably got nothing better to do,but what's up." I said while unlocking the doors and putting my stuff in the back seat and and closing it and opening the driver side door.

"Oh okay, can I come with I need a ride and someone to hang with while C doing business,plus I don't wanna be home while the rents there with out Ant." She said looking at me pleadingly ,wanting someone where to since her mans not there to keep her company.

"Sure get in I might need to stop
at the gas station real quick but come on." I said while sliding in and clicking in my seat belt and turning on Pandora.

Get out of my head
Get into my bed
Come to me now
I'm tired of dreaming about you baby...

"Okay no problem." She said while throwing her stuff in the back and clasping on her seat belt.

We headed off and kept singing "Tired of Dreaming " by Wale ft. Neyo, Rick Ross.


C's Pov

We was almost at the trap when I noticed Ace had a crooked little smirk on his face meaning he had a plan when we get there.

"Naw nigga wipe that smirk off ,no trouble at this one....T-Swiss said these guards don't play they strictly business and will shoot a nigga who acting foolish." I said while turning into the gate of the ran down warehouse.

"Man , I ain't gonna do nothing ,but no promises if they wanna act smart I can't promise I won't make any comments." He said while scrolling down his twitter page.

"You better not I'm serious Ace you do something we both gonna die and I got a girl to get back to.." I said while park on the side corner and turning off the car.

"And I don't ?" He said while unbuckling his seat belt and opening his door getting out heading to the back seat to grab the kilo bags and a case.

"Who...Kira ain't studding your ass." I said while going to the back grabbing 4 more cases, and locking the car.

"She will in a few you know she just putting up a front for now she will come back to me in a few days." He said while we headed to the entrance seeing 3 muscled men with Glock Pistols in hand.

"Who y'all from ." The tallest one said clicking the safety lock on his gun to show he means business and no playing .

"Blood Money Trill Gang." We said while looking them in the eye showing we ain't about to play either.

"Ight this way." The dark skinned one said while taking us to the far back and opening a door pointing to a door on the left telling us to go in and the boss should tell us where to put the stuff.

We headed through but the minute we stepped through I shot was rung out and 2 glocks were pointing at the back of our heads.

"Who you from." Said a masculin voice with a slight slang to it.

"BMTG" I said while being absolutely still and holding tight to the cases if I make a move and they shoot I'm dropped and so is the half a million dollar content.

They moved the glocks and yanked the cases and bags out our hands. I moved my hand carefully to my belt buckle just in case they wanna click I got my Glock cutaway in my belt loop.

"Come foreward." A strong deep voice said.

We walked forward seeing a mafia looking black dude and a big chested female at a desk with 3 cases of dough.

"Here's your earnings ,thank you for doing business with us." He said closing it and handing it over to me and Ace.

We nodded and headed out back to the trap to turn it in and head home for the night.We already had 4 other drops earlier today and almost got shot.

Akira's Pov

When we finally got to my house after going to the gas station and a few other little side stores. I noticed a white Beatle in my driveway, that looked similar to the one my best friend use to drive.

We got out of the car and I locked the door ,once we got our stuff out going in to the front door, I unlocked it and we walked in to hear people laughing in the kitchen.

"Ya'll I'm home." I yelled to get their attention when I heard some rushing coming into the hall.

"KIR." yelled the one person I missed most from South Michigan,my best friend, R.O.D....

Jalissa Knox

"LI LI OMiGod I missed you Sissy." I ran and hugged her. It's been a good 3 months since I spoke and seen her last and I missed her like crazy.

"I missed you too..gosh it's been forever....guess what ?" She said while holding on to my shoulder.

"What?" I said confused that she was here now that we calmed down from our over excitement.

"I'm moving down here and going to your school next week." She said excitedly and was smilin hard as hell.

"Really that's great I can't wait to show you around and to introduce you to all my friends.... speaking of friends....Lisa meet Sasha Davis." I said introducing Sasha to Lisa.

"Hey Whats up." Lisa said eyein up Sasha up and down maybe to find a flaw to the flawless figure of Sasha. "Hmm she too pretty Kir it's kinda creepy." She said while turning back towards me.

"Um hi and thank you for the compliment I think. " Sash said back while looking between me and Lisa.

"No problem." Lisa said back while dragging us to the living room, Knowing Lisa I knew she would make her self at home and know where everything is at.

"So where you live now." I said while looking at her as she sat down on the love seat beside me.

"2 houses on the right down." She said while pulling out her phone showing me a picture so I wouldn't have to get up and go look.

"Okay cool, we can hang at yours tomorrow...I said getting cut off by Sasha's ringing phone.

"Yeah...Okay....I'll be there in a few....No she hasn't asked about you Ant...her friend from Michigan is here...No you can't come over if mom wants us home... I'm coming now bye." She said hanging up and getting up with her bag.

"Hey y'all I gotta go mom wants me home to discuss some shid Ill come by tomorrow...nice to meet you Lisa...see ya Kiki. "She said while giving us a hug and walking out the door closing it behind her.

"Well lets go to my room and we can catch up." I said while getting my bag from the floor ,as we headed up the stairs.
Note: Not edited so sorry for misspelling.

A/N: Well here is chapter 8 hope you enjoy it....Ill update again as soon as I get more than 15 votes and comments. Please tell your friend and others about my story so I can get more views. Ill check at y'all's story if you check out mine. Thanks.

Key :)

No Worries (ULS)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara