Chapter Five Makes Me Wanna Die

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January 10th. Christmas came and went. It's overrated anyways. I didn't get the one thing I wanted. Who knew trying to keep the one you love was so fuckin' hard? But anyways I'm at school. I show Duncan to his next class then make my way to my own. I don't even want to be here. Part of me wishes I was dying all over again so I wouldn't be here. I haven't been sick since I saw Lucinda last. Weird right? I don't get it either.

So I'm on my way to English. I'm wearing a black lovehatehero shirt with black skinny jeans, my leather jacket and my favorite combat boots. I walk into Mr. Connor's class and I gasp. I see Lucinda. She smiles at me. Ugh! Why does she have to do this to me?! I want to go running the other way so much. But I can't. I just walk into the classroom and sit on the opposite side of the room. Like the chicken I am. I turn to look at her. Her smile vanishes. Good. Beth looks at the bothof us and I quickly look away. I see from the corner of my eye Beth getting up and walking over to me furiously. Lucinda sends her a confused look. Beth walks over to my desk. "What the hell?" She asks me pissed off

"What?" I ask her confused

"She told me about the other night."

"What other night?"

"God damn it Mika! Stop pretending to be a clueless idiot!"

I sit back in my seat and put my feet up. I arch my eyebrow. "Who's pretending?" I ask her

Thinking she'd laugh, but all she does is punch me in the shoulder. "Ouch!" I hiss

"Stop playing with her. You can't be her knight and shining armor one minute then the next your her worst nightmare-"

"Oh, trust me I am NOT her worst nightmare. This gorgeous face could never be someone's worst nightmare."

"The point is you need to knock it off. Either be with her or don't. It's that simple Mika."

"No it's not."

"How is it not?"

"Have you ever loved something so much and then one day *poof* it's just ripped from you? No? Well it fucking sucks!"

"Then get your ass up and make her remember!"

"I can't! Fuck! Don't you understand that? She's better off without me."

"You keep saying how you're protecting her, well what is it that you're protecting from her exactly?"

"I'm not going to tell you."

"Fine, I'll just have to figure it out by myself. And don't think I won't."

"Is that a threat?"

"You bet your ass it is."

Well with that being said she walks back to her seat and sits down next to Lucinda. Mr. Connors walks in and begins his lecture, but all I can think about is how fucking messed up my life is getting to be. I mean look at it! I wish I could just get up and walk out of here. Then it hits me. Why not just do that? I grab my backpack and get up. "Mr. Savage where exactly do you think you're going?" Mr. Connors asks me

"I have no idea." I tell him with a smirk spread across my face

I walk to the door and walk out. I run to my motorcycle before Mr. Connors calls the principal and hop on. I put my helmet on then drive off. I drive towards the house then decide to go to Johnny's work. He does tattoos and piercings. And he owes me. Or I'l say he does anyways. I've been meaning to get another piercing. Maybe I'll get my tongue pierced or maybe my nose. Who knows? 

I pull up to the small black building. I get off and walk in. I see Johnny and he says "Lil Savage! You're back!" excitedly

"I know, I know. Haven't been here since I got my snake bites." I say looking around the shop

"So ready for another piercing?"

"You read my mind."

"So what's it gonna be this time? Nose piercing? Tongue? Angel bites?"

"How bout a nose piercing and tongue piercing?"

"Right this way Mr. Savage."


"You're lucky to be able to heal so fast." Johnny tells me after he's done piercing my nose and tongue

"I know." I sigh

"Most people wouldn't be able to talk right now."

"Lucky me."

"So how are you gonna explain this to Emmett and Stephen?"

"Needed a fresh start?"

"Nah you used that excuse last time."

"Fuck.....ummmm.....oh, well Stephen won't freak."

"Emmett will."

"Very true."

I say bye then drive off. I pull up to the house and see Emmett's jeep parked. Oh, shit. Emmett's gonna kill me. He's like one of those over protective moms who never let their children leave the house and end up becoming video game addicts and their only relationship is with some fifty year old guy who pretends to be like a twenty year old chick. I know bad example, but it's how I define Emmett. He's a rare unknown species I'll never quite understand. Well wish me luck. I'm goin' in.

srry this chapterz so short. I hope the nxt 1z longer the pic iz of Mika :) I think hez so fuckin hott lol. ummm the songz "Sarcasm" by Get Scared. Great band great song. Check em out

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