Chapter Twelve Valentine's Day

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It's around seven when Stephen gets home. He walks into the house and smiles at Emmett, Duncan and I. "Of course you can stay Lucinda." He tells me before we can even ask

"Uh, how-how did you even know we were going to ask?" Duncan asks Stephen confused

"Because I am just that awesome."  Stephen tells him

"Oh, yeah 'cause I so believe that." Duncan says as Cole walks into the room and says "That's just creepy."

"Very." I agree with Cole

"I'm used to it." Emmett says shrugging it off

The front door opens and Mika walks in and smiles once he sees me. "Hey babe what are you doing here?" He asks me

"It's a long story, but uh, I asked Stephen if I could move in. If that's okay with you?" I ask him

"Of course babe. Sounds great."

"But you can't sleep in the same bed." Stephen tells us

"You gotta ruin everything huh?" Mika asks Stephen

"Well we don't want puppies running around Mika." Cole snickers

"Ha. Ha. Funny." Mika says sarcastically

"All right well Mika you can take Lucinda's stuff up to your room." Stephen tells Mika

Mika takes my stuff and we walk up the stairs to his room. He puts my stuff down and looks at me. He knows somethings wrong. Before he can even ask or I can even tell I just break down crying. He sighs then hugs me tight. "What happend?" He asks me

"Tiffany found my kit." I tell him in between sobs

"Oh, god."

"She kicked me out."


"I-I just don't even know what to do!"

"It's going to be okay Luce."


At dinner we all sit together to discuss things. "Now that we have a girl in the house we all have to act like gentlemen." Stephen tells the guys

"How do we act then?" Cole asks him curiously

"Like wild monkeys." Emmett answers for Stephen

"Wild monkeys probably act better than you four." Stephen tells them

"That's fucked." Mika says

"It's the truth."

"Fine we'll work on our attitude or whatever." Duncan agrees

"Thank you." Stephen tells Duncan

"So uh, Lucinda why'd you even get kicked out?" Duncan asks me curiously

"There is no such thing as privacy in this damn house is there?" Mika hisses under his breath

"Guess not." I sigh then look at Duncan "I uh, my foster mother found out I was cutting myself." I tell him honestly

"Oh, shit." He gasps

All the guys gape at me, except Mika. "Hey! Stop it! We all got our own ways of dealing with pain right?" He snaps at them

"Uh, right. I guess." Cole tries to say without looking at my arms

They all stare at me. Mika clears his throat and says "Okay! Stop!"

They try, gotta give them credit for that at least. But it didn't stop the akward silence. So Mika grabs my hand and takes me outside. "Thank you." I tell him

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