Chapter Eleven Setting Yourself Up For Sarcasm

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Lucinda's POV

I wake up in Mika's arms. He's still sleeping. I slip out of his embrace and get up. I find my underwear and grab my clothes. I get dressed and walk out of the room. I walk to the living room. Emmett, Cole, and Duncan are watching tv. "Well hello. Nice of you to make an appearance." Cole tells me

I nod then examine the room. I really don't want Stephen to see me. For one thing he works with my dad and another he's like Mika's dad. That'd be just to awkward. "Stephen went to work already." Emmett assures me

I sigh with relief. "But uh, what are you gonna tell Tiffany and Thomas?" Cole asks me

"Oh, shit." I gasp

"Hello people." We hear someone say

I turn to see a beautiful girl. She has wavey red hair the ressembles fire that doesn't stop til her back. Her eyes are the prettiest green I have ever seen. She's skinny, tall, oh, my gosh she's beautiful. "Lori? No way!" Cole says excitedly running to her

As does Emmett. "Who's Lori?" I ask Duncan 

I look at him. He's jsut as confused as I am. He shrugs. I turn my gaze back to Emmett, Cole and the new chick. "Lori's a werewolf too. She's one of the only female werewolves." Cole tells me

"Who's this?" Lori asks them, while looking at me

Before either of them could answer Mika wakes out of his room. He's in shorts with no shirt. His hairs all screwed up. His jaw drops when he sees this Lori chick. But her face lights up and she practically throws herself at him. "Hey baby." She tells him then kisses him

Okay. Now I have a reason to hate her. I cross my arms. "Baby?" I ask Mika as he pulls away from this redheaded slut

"Uh, Lori's my ex. Lori this is Lucinda. My-" He tries explaining but I cut him off

"I'm his girlfriend." I tell her

"Oh, oops. Sorry." She says, but I doubt she meant it

"I'm sure you are."

"Soooo Lori what are you doing here?" Emmett asks trying to to change the subject

"Well I was in Africa-"

"Why'd you leave?" I ask her

"Babe. Come on. Be nice." Mika tells me

Since when does Mika fucking Savage give a damn about being nice? For one whole hour we had to hear about all this amazing shirt Lori did. After that I had it! I got up and say "I should really go."

"Oh, I-I'll take you." Mika tells me, sounding a little disapionted he has to leave Lori

"I'd much rather walk." I say angrily

"I can take her?" Lori suggests

The exact same time I say "No." Mika says "Sure!"

"Oh, fuck no." I mumble under my breath

Mika leans in to kiss me when I put my hand infront of it. "Ha! You're funny." I scoff

With confusion written all over his face I leave with Lori. We get into her honda civic and she drives off. "So how long have you and Mika been together?" She asks me

"Four months." I tell her

"Oh, well that's......long-ish. I guess."

"How long were you two together?"

"A year and a half."

A year and a half?!?! What the fuck! I not only felt pissed off, but I was kinda hurt. Why didn't Mika tell me about this chick before? "Oh," I finally whisper when I realize I hadn't answered her

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