Chapter Thirteen Nightmare

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February eighteenth. six p.m. It's a full moon tonight. All the guys are getting ready. They are all in that small basement. Chained up just in case. "It'll be fine." Mika assures me for the millionth time

"Are you sure?" I ask him for the millionth time

"Yes babe." He kisses me then walks into the basement with the rest of the guys

I lock the door behind them and turn my back. I don't want to watch. I walk up the stairs and go to the couch. I sit down and sigh. I hear a knock at the door and get up. I go to the door to see Lori. "Shouldn't you be on all fours by now?" I ask her

"Ha. Ha. Funny." She says dryly

"Well, I thought it was. So what are you even doing human?"

"I don't change as often as the guys. Must be a girl thing I guess."

"Guess so. So what do you need?"

"Just came to say 'hi'...."

"Well, hello............can you go now?"

"Damn someone has one hell of an attitude."

"What do you want Lori?"

She smiles then lets herself in. "Why yes you can come in." I say sarcastically

"Thanks." She says, making her way to the kitchen

I follower her and see her rade the fridge. She makes a sandwich, grabs a beer then sits at the table. "How old are you anyways?" I ask her

"Twenty two." She tells me

"Mika dated a twenty two year old?"

"Well at the time I was twenty."

"And he was fifteen?!"


"That is so wrong."

"You know Mika's the one who bit me?"

"He was?"

"Yup. All because he was lashing out towards Alistair. He didn't want to do what Alistair or Stephen told him so he made his own rules. He did whatever he wanted to do."

"Why don't you hate him?"

"I did. Sorta at first. I hated him. I beat the shit out of him. And he.....he let me. He let me hit him. With anything. He handed the bat to me so I could hit him. He gave me the car keys to run him over with. He gave me the knife to stab him with. He didn't even wince or close his eyes during any of this. That's when I realized: He hated himself more than I could ever hate him. That's when I started falling for him. Under neath all of the "Im a coldhearted, badass, manwhore" is a guy who is so hurt and so broken that I don't think he will ever be fixed."

It took a moment to take that all in. "Why are you telling me this?" I finally ask her

"To make you realize that a guy like Mika won't stick around long. Trust me. I've woken up at least twenty times to find out he had left in the middle of the night." She tells me

"Then why'd you keep going back?"

"I thought....maybe I could....change him...."

"Well maybe I can. Whatever you tell me won't change my mind. I love him. Unlike you I won't give up."

"Oh, honey I'm not the only one who gave up on him. So many have before me and so many will after me."

"Like who?"

"His parents, his teachers, Alistair, I even think Emmett at times, soon Cole, Duncan, even Stephen will follow. Then you'll wake up in five, mabey ten years thinking 'I don't want to be with a monster! I gotta get outta here!' and you'll give up too."

What's Left Of Me Is Yours to Keep Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora