Chapter Nine You're The One Who Walked Away!

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February eleventh. Zane and I are kinda officail now. Mika was furious. But I mean why do I care? okay it was actually kinda nice to see that he still cares. But enough about him. Zane drives me to and from school. He sits with me at lunch. We spend every minute together. It's amazing to actually feel something. Zane's a really great guy.

So now I'm walking to the girls' restroom. It's seventh period. I see someone stumbling around. The guy grabs onto the water fountain for support, but that doesn't work. His knees give out and he fall. I run over to go help. I see the "Then Fuck You" on the back of this guy's shirt and stumble back. It's Mika. My heart sinks. I neal over and help him up. "Are you okay?" I ask him

"I'm fine." He slurs

That's when I smell the beer. "What the hell are you doing at school drunk?" I ask him pissed off

"I dunno?" He starts coughing. Then he coughed up blood. My eyes grow wide with horror. 

"That doesn't happen when you're drunk Mika!" I hiss at him

'No, no it does not. But that does happen when you're dying."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I. Am. Dying. You familiar with the word? Dying. Death."

I help him up and he leans against a wall to a class room. "You can't be dying." I think aloud

"Why do you care? You got pretty boy member?" He asks me

"Why do you care? You dumped me remember?"

"Lying is my latest passion."

"You were lying?"

"Aren't I amazing at it?"

I sigh then he slips to the ground. He hiccups then starts laughing. "I need to get you out of here." I sigh

What the hell do you think you're doing?! You're going to fuck everything up! Just leave him! The principal will handle him. He'll be kicked out and you'll never have to see him ever again. It'll be a dream come true.

....But that's not my dream. I can't keep lying to myself. I still love this asshole. No matter what. As pathetic as that sounds I still love him with all my heart. I help Mika up and practically drag him to the student parking lot. "I need your keys." I tell him

"No, no, no. I am perfectly fine. I can drive." He protests

He tries walking on his own. Which didn't go so well. He took a few steos then almost falls. I barely catch him in time. "The rooms spinning." He whines

"I need your keys Mika." I tell him again

"You can't drive."

"I can drive better than you."

"At the moment anyways...."

"Are you calling me a bad driver?"

"Well if the shoe fits..."

"Give me the damn keys."

"Fine get them."

"Where are they?"

"My pants." A smirk grows on his face. I roll my eyes and reach into his front pocket. I grab the keys and drag him to the hearse. I unlock the hearse and help him into the car. 

"You smell horrible." I tell him as I start the car

"I always smell like this. This smell comes with the paws." He tells me rolling his eyes

"You smell like beer."

"Oh, I love beer."

"I think you've had enough for today don't you?"

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