Chapter Ten Be Honest

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One A.m. February 12th. Mika's been waking up every hour to throw up. It hurts to watch him in so much pain, but I have no idea what to do. He's sleeping at the moment, but still. He's just in so much pain. I'm in his arms right now. His skin is burning. But I won't pull away. "I love you so much babe." He tells me, waking up

"I love you too." I tell him

"If I die...."

"Stop it Mika I won't let you."

"Face the facts Lucinda. I'm dying."

"No! Mika I won't let you leave me."

"But I hurt. All over."

"Don't give up Mika please."

"It's not giving up."

"Mika! Stop it!"

He starts coughing up blood again. Tears strart running down my face. Once he finishes he lays down on the couch. "I'm so tired." He tells me

"I know baby, but you can't give up." I begg him

"But Lucinda-"


He lets out a long, tired sigh then rests his head on a pillow. He closes his eyes and in seconds he's sleeping. I decide to do the same. I just close my eyes and sleep.


I wake up hours later to see Mika curled up on the couch shivering. He looks so pale. But he's breathing. I sigh with relief. He's still alive. I get up quietly and walk to the kithen. I find Beth sitting at the table. She's in old p.e. shorts and a blue tank. "He doesn't look so good." She points out

"No shit Sherlock." I snap at her

"Why the hell is he even here?"

"He couldn't drive home."

"Too drunk?"


"I saw him drinking yesterday Luce."

"You're fucking rediculous."

"Me? Oh, honey no it's not me who's rediculous."

She needs to just shut the fuck up before I kick her ass. "You need to leave Beth." I warn her

"Make me."

I walk over to her and pull her up by her platinum blonde hair. "Don't mess with me Beth." I threaten her

'What the hell is wrong with her? We used to never fight! Now we can't even go five minutes without yelling at eachother. It's all that asshole's fault!' Beth thinks furiously

"Do not blaim Mika for this! This is between me and you! Not him!" I yell at her

She turns her back to me. Then she walks out of the room. God! She pisses me off! I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room to see Mika sitting up. He looks a little better. He smiles at me. I walk over to him and take his hand. "You lok better." I tell him

"I feel better." He says

"That's great."

"But I am starving!"

"Let's find something to eat then." 

He smiles at me then wipes his face. "Ew. Drool." He sighs

"Shouldn't you be used to drool by now? Since you are a dog and all...."

He glares at me. "Oh, that's low."

I laugh and tell him I'll be right back. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I pull my hair back into a ponytail then put some eyeliner on. I walk back out to see Mika sitting at the table eating cereal. He's still in his Drop Dead Gorgeous shirt and his black skinny jeans. He's not wearing his combat boots anymore or his jacket. I walk over to him and kiss him on the cheek. He tries kissing me on the lips, but I stop him. He stares at me with a confused look on him. "You threw up all last night. Go swallow a gallon of mouthwash or something." I tell him

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