Chapter Seven Faith=Ignorance

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So thiz iz where Lucinda'z POV comez in. No mor listenin 2 Mika. Itz time 2 hear wat Lucinda thinx about all of thiz

January 13th. Thursday. I'm in English with Beth. I still can't remember much. And when I say much I mean nothing really. I go around pretending everything's fine when in reality it's exactly the opposite. 

But only one person makes me feel normal. Mika. I wish he'd stop avioding me. I don't even know why he's avioding me. "You need to forget about him Luce." Beth tells me for the millionth time

"I can't Beth." I tell her honestly

"Why not?"

"I don't know he's just different."

"If by different you mean a total arrogant prick? Then yes he's very different."

"He's not an arrogant prick Beth."

"Find a good guy. A nice, sweet, smart, good guy."

"Mika is all of those things and more."

"Are we even talking about the same Mika?!"

"There he is." I smile when he enters the room in a blood red shirt, black skinny jeans, a leather jacket and his combat boots. Somethings off with him. He has dark purple bruises around his eyes and he look way paler than usual. He looks like he lost weight too. He looks sick. He ignores me completely and sits besides his friend Cole. 

"Hi." I hear someone say

I pull my gaze away from Mika and see a guy standing infront of my desk. He's tall, has skater black hair and is wearing an Asking Alexandria shirt with black skinnys and black vans. "Hi." I tell him

"I'm Zane." He tells me smiling


"I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch with me?"

"Uh, no I don't think-"

"She'd love to!" Beth says excitedly for me

"Great." Zane says and walks back to his seat

I turn to see Mika. He's pissed. His beautiful blue eyes are....glowing? I blink, but he already looks away from me. "I wish Mika would really knock his shit off." I hear someone say

I look around the room, but no one spoke. Maybe I'm hearing things? 'God I wish Lucy would just stop with this whole Mika thing. I can't keep lying to her forever.' I hear Beth say 

I turn to look at her. "What are you lying to me about?" I ask her a little hurt

"What?" She asks me confused

'Did-did I just say that out loud? I didn't think I did....' It sounds like Beth but she didn't say it....Did I just read her mind? How is that even possible? "Lucinda? Are you okay?" Mr. Connors asks me

"Do you think I could go to the nurse?" I ask him

"Of course, Mr. Savage will take you."

"I'll do what now?" Mika asks Mr. Connors

"Just go Savage." Mr. Connors orders Mika

Mika gets up and walks out of the class with me. 'God you must really hate me.' Mika thinks annoyed

"Sorry that I bug you." I tell him

"Yeah, yeah, yeah just keep walkin'."

"Can I ask you something?"

"I guess?"

"What did I ever do to have you hate me so much?"


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