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Gee was a bit torn.

Mikey and his friend Pete had wanted to go check out the fall festival in town, and they made him get his ass out the door, because they haven't seen it in a while. That wasn't how they put it, but they just haven't seen him in a while.

Gerard himself, was busy. He had scripts to catch up on, and he was tired from all the nights he stayed up, chugging down mug after mug of coffee to get work finished. But for now, he was done. He had sent out the final script two days ago, so now he was free; he could see no reason to decline Mikey's offer. He could also take a break from his house. It was also a week before Halloween so it shouldn't be too crowded yet.

Gerard had spent the morning sitting on the edge of his bed, scrubbing his feet on the carpet. Fall festivals meant pumpkin patches, junk food, and... stuffed animals to win at the games. He turned around, looking at his only stuffie, a pastel blue kitten lying on the pillows looking a bit lonely and... flat.

Well, that stuffie was given to him three years ago by his ex-boyfriend. Since it was the only thing he had left to remember the 'good' times they had, he kept it. He still slept with it even when they broke up a year later; the cotton inside was definitely not so fluffy anymore.

Gerard thought that it could use a friend. He'd ask his brother to get him another one at the festival.

What he did not know was that he'd be standing in front of the haunted house at the fest, Pete slinging an arm over his shoulder.

"C'mon Gee, do it or not," he said, making loud sucking noises on his lollipop in his mouth. "50 bucks."

"Mikeyyyy," Gerard whined, looking at his brother, who was stuffing funnel cake into his face. All he did was shrug, which Gerard knew of course was all thanks to the thing Mikey had for Pete.

Pete wanted him to go in. Alone. For 50 bucks. Gerard wasn't that much of a fragile person; he liked an occasional horror movie... curled up under his blankets with his stuffed kitten. Or better yet, someone beside him to curl up to. But alone? Fuck no.

"Yeah Gee?" Pete teased again. "Or are you a scaredy cat?"

"I- no, I'm not." Gerard huffed, pulling at the ends of his scarf. He had on a black shirt, a leather jacket, and a scarf so long the ends reached his thighs. It was pumpkin orange, with brown stripes, which he thought would be perfect for the day. But the sun was shining high in the sky, and his leather jacket was sucking up all of the heat; there was another reason why he wore the scarf.

"Right," Pete chuckled, and patted his shoulder, turning around to Mikey. Gerard still stood there, looking at the building decorated like a school being taken over by zombies while chewing on his lip.

"Pete, I need to pee!" Gerard heard his brother call out.

"You coming, Gerard?" Pete asked. Gerard shook his head.

"I'll be staying here."


The two boys left Gerard still standing in front of the building. Fifty dollars. He thought, the idea swirling around in his mind. He could totally get more than two stuffies, and maybe have extra for art supplies. The more he thought of it the better it seemed.

He shifted his eyes from the building to the line in front of the entrance. There weren't so many people; he could totally get in while the other guys were still in the restroom, seeing that it moved pretty quickly. Six people entered at once. He could totally mix in within the group, and as they came out he'd linger longer at the exit, so it would look like he was alone!

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