Into The Corn Maze (2)

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Note: I just had to split this into two parts because what the fuck, this got extremely long and I don't know how I even did it. But hope you still enjoy it!! Smut should be up soon<3

Gerard assumed he hadn't passed out for long because things were still the same when the realization of where he was went back to him. And he was glad he didn't, for that matter, because Freddy Crayon or whatever really just loved to slide his bladed fingertips together. The blades created shrill sounds, which sent shudders down Gerard's spine like nails on a chalkboard.

"You alright?" A concerned voice spoke in his ear, the warm body behind him shifting. Gerard realized he was sort of being dragged as Freddy was taking a step towards them. The heel of Freddy's shoe hitting the wooden boards made a loud clack. "You fainted again."

"Don't laugh at me." Gerard muttered when he heard the breathy chuckle escape from the other's lips. He regained footing on the floor and they were inching slowly away from the horribly burnt man, circling the column that stood in the middle.

Slowly, everyone shuffled, watching the horrible figure like a hawk eyeing its prey. Until some people had reached seemingly close to the stairs and began to bolt. The loud clatter of people stomping down the stairs was like thunder sending the flock of people scrambling, including Gerard and Frank.

That is, they moved a little too fast, and Freddy was leering by the entrance again. Slk, slk, slk, went the blades.

"NO, no, no, don't- don't-"
Gerard squeezed his eyes shut, the metal blades snipping and sliding just next to his ear sending ripples of shudders down his spine, and after that he felt his head a bit lighter and his flower crown had dropped onto the wooden stairs.

"Gee, your crown-"

But Gerard did not care about his crown. His sweaty hand that was cold from fright gripped tightly onto Frank's warm one and literally ran down the stairs, almost tripping at the bottom.

He ran, legs almost tripping each other at every corner, never letting go of Frank. The corn stalks brushing into his face every now and then. Somewhere in his mind remembered that they had made a plan, but not when he could still hear the metallic taptaptap...

"Dead end!" Gerard exclaimed breathlessly, when he was forced to skid into a stop from the wall of corn in front of him. He lungs were heaving hard from all the running, and he was getting light-headed again.

"Hey, Gee, shhhh. No one is chasing us; it's alright."

Gerard felt himself being pulled into a tight embrace. He leaned close to it, burying his face into his neck, breathing in Frank's smoky scent. It was reassuring. He felt a hand running through his hair, and they were rocking slowly back and forth, the panic immediately slipping away like the daylight around them.

"I'm getting so overworked, huh?" Gerard chuckled a bit after a while, though it came out a bit thin from screaming too much. He cleared his throat a couple of times. "This is kind of a... horror-boner kill, isn't it." He pulled back to examine Frank's face.

"What? No," Frank snorted a tiny bit. "I like watching you."

"All scared and screamy?"

"It's adorable, but it wouldn't be nice to laugh at you now, right?"
Frank winked, and Gerard poked out his tounge at him.


The night had fallen by then, and without the sun the chill dug deeper into their bones, especially when they weren't running. Gerard visibly shivered.

"It's getting dark Frankie... turn on your flashlight?"

"I would but I tried telling you it flew out on the way, baby."

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