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Frank didn't know how long it took for their visitors to come in but it took awhile.

He was just waving his scalpel around in Hambone's fake blood covered props, the syringe placed on the metal table, for now. The people still haven't came in yet.

Then, there was finally a door creak. Frank got more into character, mumbling things under his breath and cackling every once in awhile like his script. A mechanic tucked underneath Hambone's props shot out blood.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw no one. What are they doing? he thought, still doing his mumbles. He could sense at least someone was in. Probably watching the scene projected on the white curtains. Then after a while, someone finally peeked out from behind it. It kinda seemed like a guy. He cackled again.

The dude finally stepped out from behind the white curtain, and just stood there. Frank did his best to try not to look at him, just yet. He kept busy like he was performing a real autopsy.

Is this guy alone? The thought swirled in his head. It seemed like it, he didn't seem like interacting with anyone else so that was perhaps the case. Then he would be the owner of that scream. Frank felt impressed, at the guts he had and his lung power.

Suddenly, the guy took a step forward and Frank snapped his head to him, just in time. He pulled off the most maniac face he could. And fuck, it took all his will power not to relieve his face.

The guy standing there looked wrecked. Tear tracks glistened on his face, fright written all over. His fingers clutched his scarf that was wrapped around his neck for dear life. His eyes were wide, staring into Frank's soul, long eyelashes clumped together from crying. He looked small, fragile, and he was shaking.

Frank had the strongest urge to run over and wipe his face clean, hug him and cover him in a thousand of fluffy blankets. He surely did not come in very willingly, maybe he lost a bet. But, he still had to keep up with his act.

"Well, aren't you a bit late?" He said, following his script. But he toned the craziness down in sake of this poor guy.

He swiftly swept the syringe off the table with his left hand and hid it behind his back. He slowly walked off the platform and towards the guy, who looked absolutely horrified and backed up straight in the corner of the wall and the cabinet.

Frank then showed his left hand, revealing the syringe. He planned to just squirt out the green fluid for a couple of times, do his evil laugh and just let the dude go. But the moment he flashed out the syringe, the guy's gaze was completely stuck on it. His face drained of all color and looked sickly pale and still.

At that moment, Frank turned worried. Before he could do anything the guy's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fainted, his forehead banging on the cabinet along the way. Frank flinched at the loud thump and tossed the syringe aside, crouching down immediately checking his vital signs.

"Dude, dude!" Frank hissed at Hambone. His friend picked his head up from the table and shot a questioning look at him. The creepy sound effects were still playing but they were all just white noise to his ears at the moment. "He fainted!"

Hambone dug out the blood-squirting mechanic from underneath his props and hopped down the table. "Everything fine?"

"He's still got a pulse and his breathing is still normal," Frank said, removing his fingers fr9m the guy's neck. "He should be awake soon, but he hit his head, though."

"'kay. You keep an eye on him and I'll go and get Doug."

Hambone went out the door and Frank knelt beside the guy, taking the time to inspect him. He still had tear tracks on his flushed cheeks, his clumped lashes fanned out on them. He was breathing softly in and out of his mouth, between those plump lips. He looked relaxed.

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