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<<Author's note: I've finally sorted my life out to find the time to update this. Halloween is obviously over but hey, the spooky part's pretty much over already so I guess I made it. cx Hope you enjoy this one!>>

Who knew a gorgeous man would be hovering over him when he had fainted in the hell of a haunted house? Not him, of course.

When he had opened his eyes the man was hovering over him. There was warmth on his shoulder, and warmth went to his cheeks when he felt it.

But then he remembered why he had fainted; the beautiful man was Dr. Midget Madman, the doctor with the utterly disgusting needle...

Adrenaline had pumped back into his system, panic blinding his eyes. Dr. Midget Madman then put a hand over his; another extra feeling of warmth.

"Shh, everything's okay. I'm not gonna scare you. I'm not gonna harm you."

His voice was a huge fluffy blanket, wrapping itself around Gerard. He found himself just trusting him at once, just basking in all the warmth.

So that was how Gerard was then lying on a couch in the dressing tent holding an ice pack to his forehead. The first aid guy who came to take a look at him told him that he was pretty okay, no concussion; just a small bump he needed to keep ice on. Dr. Midget Madman's friend went out to get lunch, so he watched the doctor's arms as he got some of his makeup off. He had taken off his doctor's robe and was now only in a bloody t-shirt, the tattoos littering in his arms visible and flexing with every movement. Gerard was a bit intrigued. Then he thought about how he had also wrapped that very arm around Gerard's waist, like a big hug. Gerard wouldn't deny that he was having good feelings toward the doctor. He was very caring and showed nothing but kindness to him so far; as long as he didn't have that needle in hand.

And he had a 'particular preference' of being cared for; but God knows how many relationships turned into nothing because of it.

Anyway, Gerard was feeling all comfy and snuggly and really warm, sort of sinking into the couch. He inspected the other man, watching him toss away tissues that were tainted red.


It took a small moment for him to turn around, arching an eyebrow at Gerard.

"Hey, how're you feeling? Uh, haha, my name's Frank, and I'm no doctor."

"Okay." Gerard looked up at him. Frank, Frankity Frankie.

Frank looked at him for a couple of more seconds until he strode over and took the ice pack from Gerard's hand.

"Here," he said, sitting on the edge of the couch. He unraveled the cloth that was wrapped around it. "Let me change this for you."

"Uh-hm, Frank?" Gerard said. Frank hummed, grabbing a dry cloth from the small table side the couch.

"I... I have a question for you."


"Why are you being so nice to me?"

Frank stared at him for a moment, ice pack in his hand.

"I don't see why not."

"D-don't you find me a bit... weird? A bit... abnormal?"

Frank just frowned.

"I personally don't know much about 'normality.' Look, I work as a school nurse performing autopsy on a student. Everyone's different, I don't think there's something that's specifically 'normal' and something that's not."

Gerard was still a slight bit inconvinced. Inconvinced that Frank wasn't freaked out by him. He was well aware that he wasn't in his 'adult zone.' The zone he went into when he faced the multiple challenges of society. He just needed to slip out of that zone for a length of time, like an itch that needed to be scratched; so that was why he had dug out his necklace from the wicker basket that had been hidden for years in the back of his bathroom cabinet. It was a release he really craved. Yet it pushed so many away.

Dr. Midget MadmanWhere stories live. Discover now