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Frank was having a blast.

He was having a blast knowing that he was scaring people to the point of tears, but that they were also having a hell of a good time.

The whole haunted house wasn't the most soundproof; if someone at the entrance really screamed, they'd still be able to hear. It wasn't like the screams were non stop, so they thought of it as like an extra 'umph' to the sound effects.

Their room was pretty dark. Before visitors came in, a red light behind them would turn on, and a smoke machine would start puffing out a bit of smoke. Frank would start doing his act on Hambone, and the visitors would come in. Then when they leave, the light and the machine would turn off, and they'd have an approximate three minute break listening to shrieks as the next visitors walked through hallways of other crazy shit before they arrived.

"Dude, we have 10 more minutes until shift's over." Hambone said, softly. The bright light from his phone piercing through the darkness. Another group of visitors just went through; a girl ended up wailing.

"Uh-huh. You wanna go try out that new taco stand next to the corn maze?" Frank replied, in the same quiet tone.

"I'm starving- let's just go in all this gore and shit."

"Aw, come on, I'll end up having fake blood as another condiment." Frank said, wiping at his mouth. He had drenched his hand in Hambone's burst opened guts and smeared it over his mouth. That was how he had made the girl cry.

His friend chuckled. "Man, you wouldn't be able to even tell the difference in between with the ketchup."

"When the fuck were there ketchup in tacos?!"

"Salsa, then."

The two men waited for a while longer. It seemed pretty quiet through the whole facility; there were no screams to be heard. Frank turned around and glanced at the metal door behind them. One of their co-workers would come in and tell them when they were done.

"Hey, hey Hambone." Frank whispered. Poking at his friend's shoulder. "Psst. Fuck, don't fall asleep."

"How the frick can I sleep on this metal piece of shit?"

"Do you think there are still people in here?"

"I don't know man, but where's Doug?"

"Maybe he forgot, or got caught up in enjoying his burrito."

"I don't think so, bro. The sound effects are still playing."

This time Frank fished out his own phone and checked the time, squinting.

"6 minutes passed. What's taking so long?"

"I dunno."

That was when they heard it. A good honest-to-god, ear-blasting shriek from somewhere, piercing through the sound effects. Hambone made impressed noises; Frank gaped at the general direction of his friend.

"Dude, what the fuck was that?" Hambone mused.

"How do I know?" Frank laughed, because that was insane. "Holy shit, it's like someone was out for their souls."

"That sounded like one person; was it a guy or a girl?"

"For fuck's sake if it was a dude. That was really high pitched."

"Like, I didn't even know this whole thing was that scary. What about the others?"

Their questions were confirmed by the same scream, singular, and much closer to them. It wasn't as high pitched, but it was loud enough. Their voice broke and it ended in sobbing, then whimpers. A thud came from behind the wall beside them. A part of Frank felt a bit sympathetic for them.

"It's a dude!" Hambone whispered.

The red light behind them suddenly turned on; the smoke machine also started to puff out smoke.

"Lay down!" Frank whispered, scrambling to get his props he put on the side. He grabbed a scalpel, and an overly exaggerated syringe; the needle made bigger and pointier than normal. It was also filled with this green transparent liquid, which Frank could squirt out if he wished.

He went over to Hambone lying like a dead man on the metal table, and began fiddling around with the props glued onto his stomach. Smoke surrounded his legs. Now, it is time for their visitors to come in.

Dr. Midget MadmanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon