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Note: Graphical descriptions of the haunted house. Elements of horror including spiders, blood, gore.

Gerard regretted going in. He regretted so fucking hard.

He began to regret when he walked through the entranceway, bulletin boards you'd see at school on either side of him, torn and smeared in red. He regretted it when he opened the heavy metal doors you'd find at fire exits, with no windows, concealing whatever was behind them. He regretted it as he went through a hallway lined with lockers, that began to open and slam as he briskly walked by, a mechanical hand crawling out of one as he reached the metal doors at the end.

He didn't want to cry; he just wanted to get through this as soon as he could. Mikey and Pete were sure to be out there already. They'd be there waiting for him so he didn't want to burst into tears; he would look so fucking stupid. It was all a stupid decision, for stupid stuffies.

Gerard wasn't crying yet when he walked through the first classroom. 'MATHEMATICS,' it had read before he went in. Another robot that was supposedly the teacher suddenly shot up at a desk, making him jump. Books from a nearby bookcase started to rattle.

"It's time for math... kids..."

Mutters of children and giggles filled the room, growing louder and louder. Gerard whimpered and grabbed the ends of his scarf to block his ears, running out the room. He still wasn't crying. Yet.

That was when he reached another room, 'BIOLOGY.' He creaked open the wooden door, and it was pitch black inside. A metallic smell wafted out and he shut it again. Biology. Oh no, fuck no, please don't...

He had to get this over with.

He threw open the door and stepped inside, hugging his scarf and squeezing his eyes shut, hearing the door behind him slowly close, until the fluorescent lights were completely gone. There were unsettling squeaking noises, and the floor beneath him creaked mixing in with his whimpers that could not be muffled by the scarf. He didn't want this anymore, he didn't want this anymore; he just wanted hugs and to get the fuck out of here.

Suddenly, he kicked something. He scrambled back and lights flicked on. A huge fucking spider, with multiple soulless eyes blinking at him was moving it's fucking hairy legs at Gerard's.

He screamed; screamed for real and for good and let all his absolute fright out, feeling his legs fail him. Tears strolled down his cheeks. Soon he collapsed to the ground.

Lights at a corner also flickered on and he puked in his mouth. More arachnids were there, in hundreds. Maybe thousands. From puny ones that were scrambling along the floor to even more enormous ones clinging onto the walls that had Gerard trying to crawl out of his skin. But before he could notice that they were all trapped behind a glass box, he was done.

He picked himself up and ran. Not minding anything at all and just zoomed through all the halls and rooms. One of the real actors he passed didn't even have the time to climb out of their hidey-hole. His heart was beating all the way up to his throat; he was hyperventilating and sobbing and a total complete mess.

He screamed again when he reached a janitor in a hall, voice cracking because the dude had smeared some fucking red shit he had on his hands onto his face. Talk about being sanitary as a goddamn janitor. He pushed open two more metal doors and reached another hall, with another metal door at the very end. Once he got in he collapsed at the corner, whimpering and sobbing and so, so scared.

He hugged his scarf like it was his stuffie. He needed it so bad, screw man-ing up. He needed comfort, he needed someone to curl up to so, so, badly.

Still, somehow he managed to gather up the energy and courage to limp to the door. 'NURSE'S OFFICE.' Gerard wanted to sob even harder.

He opened the door, heavy and hard to push with his remaining energy. The room was glowing red, and there were sounds of someone muttering and... flesh being cut opened. A red light was shining behind a huge white curtain to to his left and it showed shadows; a man performing some kind of surgery to someone, and blood was spewing. The man being given the surgery howled; the doctor cackled. Gerard felt his eyes widen and backed up to the closed metal door behind him.

He began looking for a way out. Arrows on the floor pointed that he needed to go behind the curtain, pass where the insane doctor was. A huge cabinet with body parts blocked his way from just going straight, to where he see was the exit from the sides. He was almost there, out! All he had left was this doctor, then he'd never ever go into another haunted house ever again, and heal his soul with kittens and Disney movies.

He breathed in and out slowly, trying to get his breaths and heart beat even again. He wiped his tears with his scarf, knowing that it'll need a serious good wash after all this. He straightened his leather jacket; he could do this. He was almost there.

Gerard slowly, oh so very slowly walked to the gap in the white curtain, where the arrows on the floor told him to go. He gulped, and indeed saw someone lying on a metal table, their guts and intestines out in the open with this guy in a doctor's robe covered in blood just waving around these metal instruments.

He stood there for the longest time to see if the two guys would do anything, knowing that these two were real and not mechanical robots. But they didn't, and the guy with the instruments just kept on doing whatever he was doing. Gerard took the time to look at him; the dude seemingly to be shorter than him actually if he wasn't standing on the platform. Also, he looked crazy; this insane, completely twisted look on his face, and he was humming something quite familiar under his breath.

Gerard then took the time to really inspect him. Tattoos sneaked out from all the blood covered on his hands. A lip ring sparkled under the red light. He became totally entranced, losing every ounce of fear and took a step forward.

The guy suddenly whipped his head over to him and the fear got shot back into his veins all at once it made him feel dizzy. His brown eyes were widened, staring into Gerard's.

A bloody name tag was pinned onto his robe, "DR. MIDGET MADMAN."

"Well, aren't you a bit late?" The doctor drawled, lips curled into a toothy grin.

He suddenly walked off his platform, and straight to Gerard. There was only a one feet of a distance in between them, and Gerard immediately got backed up to the wall. Suddenly, Dr. Midget Madman took his left hand from behind his back, and revealed a syringe, its needle piercing, pointy, long, and thick...

Gerard felt his head go light and all went black.

Dr. Midget MadmanWhere stories live. Discover now