Chapter 23

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(The fight is obviously not going to be like in the anime but I promise there is a bit of a surprising part!)

I flinched as he lunged and Sebastian just barely dodged him. Ash faced towards him again and smirked "You couldn't even block it! You're weak!" he said then lunged towards him again. Sebastian blocked it this time then managed to stab him with another knife. He flinched but ripped it out and growled. All of this was terrifying but I knew if I got involved Sebastian would be angry. "Sebastian you can do this!" I said and he smirked then lunged at Ash. Ash dodged him then managed to spin around fast enough, Sebastian growled then grabbed a sword off the wall. "Finally you use a manly weapon!" Ash said and Sebastian eyes glowed even brighter pink.

I knew he had this under control but I was so worried. This time they both lunged at each other but Sebastian didn't hit Ash, he just barely missed making it possible for Ash to stab him in the shoulder. I flinched as Sebastian pulled it out like it was nothing, I knew Demons could feel pain but couldn't die unless it was and Angel weapon or another Demon's.

By the time I snapped out of thought I saw Ash hovering over Sebastian who was on the ground holding his side. He was about to finish off Sebastian when I jumped up. "NOO!!!!" I yelled jumping on him and knocking him over. I sat on his chest and grabbed the sword from him "NO! YOU WON'T HURT HIM!!" I yelled stabbing him repeatedly. He stared at me shocked as I continued plunging the sword through his chest. By the time I finished he was long past dead, he probably had about 40-50 wounds in his chest. I was panting when I climbed off and realized I had blood all over me, my hands were shaking when I dropped the blade.

I fell on my hands and knees and crawled to Sebastian who stared at me shocked. "S-S-Sebastian.....I d-did it..... k-k-killed him." I said stuttering. He pulled me into a tight hug and I hugged back still shaking. I had shocked myself, how had I done that? I had just viciously murdered someone in cold blood... What would Sebastian think? Would he want to leave me..... Would he be proud? He started rubbing my back and I sniffled, I was happy I had done that but I scared myself at the same time. "It's ok to cry Ciel~" he said. I started crying like he said and he held me tighter "Sebastian..... that was.... wrong! I'm..... a horrible..... person!" I said between sobs. "Shh~ Shh~ No, you were just protecting me~ it's ok~ you're not a horrible person. He was~ he called himself an angel but in reality he was bad enough to be a Demon." he said.

I sniffled and looked at him "Really?" I asked and he nodded "Of course~ I wouldn't ever lie to you~" he said. I nodded and pulled away "Come on, you need a bath. I'll clean up this mess after." he said and I nodded again. He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom, he undressed me as I blushed and climbed into the bath. "Sebastian....." I said blushing harder, he looked at me "Yes?" he asked. "......You need a bath too...." I responded my face got even hotter. He chuckled "Do you wish for me to join you?" he asked, after a moment I nodded and heard him chuckle again. He got undressed and climbed in behind me, I felt my face get hotter if it was possible. He started washing me and himself as I sat there trying to calm myself of what had just happened.

After I finished bathing I climbed out and Sebastian dressed me then I went to the library so I could read and get my mind off things. Sebastian followed behind me in case I needed anything, when I walked through the door I went to the corner and sat on the floor. I already had a book there and I continued reading it. Sebastian stayed silent but sat next to me and started reading a different book. I then screamed and threw the book across the room and it hit the wall, Sebastian looked at me worriedly and I was shaking slightly. He hugged me and I hugged back "Whatever happened?" he asked. " to a battle part and.... it reminded me of earlier...." I said. He nodded and rubbed my back, I slowly calmed down then pulled away.

He looked at me and I nodded, he nodded too and went back to reading. I looked over trying to read his and he smiled, he then pulled me onto his lap so we could both read it. I blushed and smiled then leaned back against his chest as he wrapped one of his arms around my stomach to hold me. I blushed harder and put my hands on his arm, he chuckled slightly and continued reading. I read along "Did you finish the page yet?" he asked and I nodded. He turned the page then put his arm back down.

It went on like this for an hour before I had finally got my mind off it and looked up at Sebastian "I feel better now, thank you Sebastian." I said and he smiled then kissed my forehead "You're welcome." he said and I smiled and blushed. He smiled more and kissed me as I kissed back and smiled while blushing harder. He pulled away and stood up still holding me "Let's go eat, I'll clean up the mess when you are." he said and I nodded.

He carried me into the dining room where he set me down then walked into the kitchen. I sat there thinking, just about anything pretty much. Then what I had done to Lizzie popped into my head 'She's going to have a bruise..... then people will know' I thought. I hit my fist on the table and my glass of water tipped over and spilled, I sighed and put my hands on my head. Sebastian rushed in with a towel and my food then started cleaning up the mess "Sorry..." I said. "It's fine~ You didn't mean to spill it~" he said and set my plate down. I smiled "Thank you~" I said and started eating "You're welcome, I'll be right back." he said walking off in the direction of the practice room.

I continued eating, Sebastian's cooking is the best and always has been. Was I completely a bad person for killing Ash though? Sebastian had said that he was so bad he'd be capable of being a Demon.... I shook my head and went back to eating when I heard a knock on the front door. I stood up and went to answer it, I was shocked by who I saw standing in from of me.

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