Modern! 10

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When they got home Ciel was so tired he decided to have a little nap. Obviously Sebastian joined him and Ciel fell asleep soon after. He had very pleasant dreams and it showed, he was smiling and giggling at the most unexpected times. But it made Sebastian happy to see his Ciel happy after everything. He gripped Sebastian's coat tightly and smiled more "I do~" he said in his sleep making Sebastian chuckled softly. "I do~" he said and Ciel kissed him in his sleep, Sebastian kissed back and Ciel's eyes fluttered open. Sebastian smiled and lifted his chin up more making Ciel blush and wrap his arms around Sebastian's neck. They pulled away a second later and Ciel rested against Sebastian's chest.

He then grabbed both of his hands and they intertwined their fingers "Sebastian...." Ciel said shyly and looked to the side blushing hard. Sebastian smiled "Yes, Love?" he asked and gently squeezed his hands. "I want..... I want to have the wedding..... today." he said and blushed harder. Sebastian was slightly shocked but smiled and kissed Ciel gently and passionately. Ciel closed his eyes and kissed back as Sebastian closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Ciel's torso. Ciel wrapped his around Sebastian's neck then pulled away and hid his face in the crook of his lover's neck. He placed gentle kissed as Sebastian spoke "We can get married today~ We'll have a small wedding~ Just the two of us and some friends~" he said and kissed Ciel's cheek. Ciel smiled and tears brimmed his eyes "I've been so excited for this day for so long~" he said and Sebastian hugged him again.

Sebastian smiled "So have I~ So have I~" he said and kissed Ciel's cheek again. They decided to have the ceremony later that day then just celebrate by themselves. Ciel didn't really mind not having a big party and all that, he dreamed it that way but didn't mind. "Sebastian~ I'm so excited~" he said, he was still resting against his chest with their fingers intertwined. "So am I~ I attempted proposing very many times but somehow the moment got ruined~ And now just a few hours from now we're going to be married~" he said and Ciel's blush crept onto his face again as a bright red color. Sebastian chuckled and kissed his cheek once again, his blush got a little darker and he smiled more.

He then flinched and Sebastian looked at him worriedly "It's fine, just a kick~" he said and Sebastian smiled. Today was going to be wonderful, Sebastian then got an idea. "How about we record it?" he asked looking at Ciel as they got ready. They would still dress up but not over the top, Ciel looked at him and smiled "No offence but let's record us celebrating~ I want the ceremony to just be the two of us~ And a few friends" he said and blushed as Sebastian smiled and nodded. Ciel then changed into his older form and Sebastian looked at him curiously "Why'd you change?" he asked curiously. "Because, I'd rather not get hit with a bible for being too young today." he said asked Sebastian laughed.

When the priest got there he was surprised to see two men in suits "A-Are you the couple?" he asked and they nodded while smiling. He nodded and they walked into the garden, they had decided it would be there awhile ago. As he started the boring speech Sebastian and Ciel just held hands and stared into each other's eyes. They were in a trance because of what was happening, married finally.

They were both snapped out of their thoughts when they heard that question finally "Do you Ciel Phantomhive, take Sebastian Michaelis to be your lawfully wedded husband?" he asked and Ciel squeezed Sebastian's hands. "I do~" he said, his blush had returned and Sebastian had one powdered on his face as well. "Do you Sebastian Michaelis, take Ciel Phantomhive to be your lawfully wedded husband?" he asked and Sebastian's eyes lit up. "I do~" he said, Ciel smiled wider than he ever had before. "I now pronounce you husband and.... husband-" Ciel didn't wait for him to finish he just kissed Sebastian with more passion than ever before. Everyone else that had attended clapped. There was Lizzie, Alois, Claude, Sebastian's siblings, and a few other friends of Ciel's.

He smiled and kissed back as the priest closed his book "You may now kiss your partner." he mumbled then walked away. When they finally pulled away they smiled and hugged tightly. "Oh god...." Ciel said and sniffled, Sebastian smiled "Don't cry~ Let's go celebrate now~" he said and picked him up bridal style. He blushed harder and went back to his normal self. When they walked inside they set down the camera and started recording, they started playing music and everyone started dancing. All of the sudden Ciel got an idea "Sebastian, remember my idea earlier. About the songs?" he said and smiled. Sebastian chuckled "Go ahead." he said and Ciel quickly changed it to Watch Me by Silenco. Everyone laughed and started dancing, but probably the funniest thing was probably that everyone there knew the dance. Like, the entire dance.

Ciel POV

Obviously after that song ended someone had to suggest Hit The Quan, thanks Lizzie. Everyone laughed once again and started dancing again. In the middle of the dance Sebastian pulled me behind a wall and cupped my face, he then placed a passionate kiss on my lips. I blushed and kissed back as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. He picked me up and leaned me against the wall, I felt my blush grow as he slid one of his hands up my shirt. I shivered at the coldness of his hand then it got warmer. All of the sudden we heard clapping and pulled away only to see Lizzie and Alois clapping, Alois looked annoyed and Lizzie was blushing. They both giggled as he set me down and leaned down to my ear "Later then~" he said and I smirked up at him.

We walked back out and people were still dancing then the song ended, I then got an idea. I changed the song to Dance With The Devil and people started pairing up. Alois and Lizzie paired up which was strange, I though Alois liked Claude. Sebastian and I started dancing and I knew I was blushing the entire time. He smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist and grabbed my hand, we then intertwined our fingers and continued. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alois and Elizabeth dancing and she looked uncomfortable. Sebastian then leaned me down and placed a soft kiss on my lips and I blushed and kissed back as he pulled me back up. The only way this could have been better is if Alex was here.

Don't get upset again Ciel! Just think about everything good happening! I focused on dancing with Sebastian then the song ended. It went on like this until everyone left and we decided to go to sleep. I changed into my pajamas and so did Sebastian as he climbed in behind me and wrapped his arms around me tightly. "I love you~" he said and I bushed and smiled "I love you too~" I said as we fell asleep.

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