Chapter 34

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I knew he was obviously still angry at me even if it didn't show and I did indeed feel really bad. We pulled away and I stood up then sighed "Sebastian, I'm going to go take another nap and this time not be freaked out by who wakes me up." I said and he laughed slightly. I smiled and chuckled as I walked to my room accompanied by Sebastian. He changed me into my nightshirt (It was actually one of his button up shirts but I took it) I smiled. He smiled back and took off his jacket, shoes, and vest then climbed in next to me. I blushed and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes.

I woke up to someone petting my ears gently, I looked to the side and of course it was my Sebastian. I smiled and purred as he kissed my cheek and continued scratching behind my ears. I snuggled closer as he wrapped his other arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I purred louder and closed my eyes then relaxed as he gently rubbed the ears. "Sebastian~" I purred and he chuckled and slowly stopped. I pouted and looked at him as he did that little smile making my face get warmer as a blush appeared "Why'd you stop?" I asked. He smiled more "Because, you need to get up and get ready~" he said kissing my cheek and sitting up and pulling me up with him. I felt my face get even hotter as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled and slid his down around my waist, I was now on his lap and he kissed my cheek.

I smiled at him then moved up on his lap earning a barely heard grunt from him, I chuckled and wrapped my legs around his waist. I saw him smirk as he kissed me and I kissed back and held him tighter. He tilted his head and slipped his tongue in, I tensed slightly but then relaxed and tilted my head the other way. I lifted myself slightly off his lap so I could get closer only to get pushed back down, I blushed and he pulled away. We intertwined our fingers and he was now hovering over me on the bed, I blushed harder and he put each of his legs on the sides of mine. I stared up at him as he brushed my hair back so it wasn't in my face and held my hands down by my head. He leaned down then we heard fast footsteps and the door be burst open.

Sebastian looked surprised, I was not. We both looked at the door only to see Finny looking petrified "Finny..... shut the door before I chop of your head and sell it in the black market." I said and he nodded fast then ran away. Sebastian looked down at me amused "The black market? My Kitten, that is illegal~" he said and moved up farther. I bit my lip and gently squeezed his hands as he chuckled and leaned down again. Our lips connected and we both closed our eyes.

Sebastian POV

Poor Ciel~ if he keeps falling asleep he won't be able to rest tonight. I held him tightly but gently as he slept, his fever was completely gone now and he was breathing fine. It was nice he was better even though he never was really badly sick, I knew he wouldn't forget about what happened with my brother though. I soon fell asleep while lost in my many tangling thoughts.

When I awoke Ciel was still snuggled into my chest curled in a little ball purring. He truly was my Kitten~ I started scratching behind his ears and he purred even louder. He smiled in his sleep and rubbed his head against my chest as I started scratching his head instead of just behind his ears. He purred even louder and I chuckled, his eyes fluttered open and he smiled up at me again "Sebastian~" he purred and I smiled. "Morning Love~" I said and kissed his forehead, he blushed and leaned against my chest "Is it actually morning?" he asked.

I chuckled and kissed his forehead again "Yes, it is Kitten~ I must have tired you out a lot in order for you to sleep from 5:00 at the evening to 7:00 in the morning." I said. His blush got much darker in an instant and he looked to the side, I leaned over him and turned his face back towards me "Don't hide you blush~" I said and pecked his lips. He smiled and we pulled away then I laid back down, he snuggled into my chest again. I held him tightly and he made a content sigh then closed his eyes again. I opened my mouth to speak only for him to throw his hand over it "If you're about to say something about getting up don't bother." he said and I chuckled then licked his hand. He gasped and pulled his hand away fast, he wiped it on his (My) shirt.

He looked at me as he did and I smirked "Enjoying the view?" I asked and he quickly looked away. "N-No.... you need to put a shirt on...." he said and I chuckled. I sat up and the blanket fell down onto my lap and I stretched, his entire face turned red and he quickly looked away but I saw him do a double take. I chuckled and he shivered, I chuckled again and pulled him close and he continued looked away. I leaned over and kissed him as he kissed back and closed my eyes as I closed mine. He pulled away a moment later and snuggled up to me again and I smiled. I rubbed his back and he started purring again, I chuckled and he soon relaxed fully as he fell asleep again. I laughed softly and he slightly shifted then relaxed again.

He woke up again about an hour later and mumbled something "What did you say?" I asked and he rubbed his eyes. "You're evil~" he said and I chuckled "Indeed~" I said and he smirked. "And why are you smirking?" I asked and he smirked more "Nothing~" he said and started drawing shaped on my chest. I smiled and kissed his forehead as his blush got darker and he leaned up then licked my cheek. I was shocked, he had never done that or anything of the sort like that before. "Kitten?" I asked slightly smirking at him, he smirked more and did it again. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist as I pulled him up and licked his lips. His eyes widened and he turn bright red "S-Sebastian!" he cried out in embarrassment. I chuckled and laid back down as we relaxed again.

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